Miscarriage • W.M.

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[Third Person...]

"Wanda..." you called out for Wanda as you walked the bizarrely abandoned streets of Westview.

"Babe!" You yelled again

You kept hearing voices around you, your heartbeat started going faster as your breathing began to become uneven.

"Baby, I'm scared." You whimpered for your girlfriend.

Suddenly you felt strong arms wrap around your waist as the owners face nuzzled into your neck.

"Nothing to be scared of my love, I'm right here." She said as she cuddled into you, you breathed a sigh of relief turning in her arms causing her to look up at you.

"Where were you?" You asked your girlfriend

"I've been looking for you everywhere." You smiled brightly as you leaned in for a kiss on her lips, weirdly you couldn't feel her lips on yours.

"I was just around the corner, babe..." she said reassuring you.

"Why were you scared?" She asks hugging you closer to her body.

"I'm always scared when I'm not with you, your my safe haven, I know I'm a superhero but... when adrenaline isn't running through my veins, my PTSD kicks in... and I just need you." You said shamefully as you looked down, you felt Wanda's hand under your chin making you look up to face her.

"I know baby... but you need to learn to live without me." She said softly

"Why would I have to do that?" You began to get frustrated Wanda would even say that.

"Promise me, you'll move on." She pleaded

"No." You said

"Promise me." She said sternly

"I said, no." You retorted, you tried to get out of her arms but she only held you stronger.

"Promise me!" She yelled

"No! No! No!" You screamed back, pushing her back.

"I can't live without you! I have no one if I don't have you! I don't want Tony! I don't want Natasha! I don't want Carol! I want you! Do you hear me?! You!" You crashed into her arms, screaming as you cried at Wanda's feet.
She slowly knelt down bringing you with her. You sobbed into her shoulder.

Suddenly the simulation was gone, and it wasn't Wanda holding you, it was Natasha. And you weren't in Westview, you were at the compound.

"Come on, y/n... it's been four years and you still can't get through the simulation." Natasha said softly, she didn't say it out of irritation, she said it out of hurt as she wanted her friend back, but she knew her friend was badly bruised from the loss of the love of her life, and she accepted that.

"It gets more painful every time." You sobbed into her shoulder

"I know... but we have to do it. We'll try again in an hour." She said lifting you up from the ground helping you to your feet, you nodded before walking out of the simulation room towards your own bedroom.

But you didn't come out after the hour, you stayed in your room sleeping. You did that for the next year, Natasha did what she could for you, which wasn't much at least to her.

She would help you into the shower, help you dress, help you eat — even when you refused, she helped you.

A year later, she came back with the stone. Now having lost her best friend, you felt bad but couldn't do anything for her.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now