I want a dog • Y.B.

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One night a few months ago Yelena had drunkenly confessed she wanted a dog. But when I asked her about it the next day she told me.

"Lyubov' when did I say that? That is ridiculous."

But of course, being the best girlfriend in the world I decided to ignore her, and her ignorance in believing that I believed her lie. So she sent me off on an errand to get some food for her to cook for dinner.

Only thing is, the grocery store was right next to a pet store, me being me. I couldn't resist. Especially when there was a big sign in front that said 'Puppy Adoption Day! Bring home your puppy TODAY!' So here I am inside of the pet store looking at all the dogs.

"Hi! I'm Riley, do you need any help with a dog? Do you intend on adopting?" She asks in her customer service voice. Just as I was about to respond to her, a small brown and white dog starts to whine at my feet pawing at my legs for me to pick him up.

"I think Loki likes you..." she says giggling, i look at her with a shocked face as I laugh at the name.

The dog continues to cry at my feet until I finally pick him up, he cuddles into my arms and instantly falls asleep. The girl looks shocked.

"He's the runt of the litter, he doesn't play with the other dogs or even cuddle with anyone. Oh my gosh, I can't believe he's cuddling with you." She says smiling, i laugh and say.

"Is he reserved?"

"No! No! He isnt do you want to start the paperwork?" She asks smiling wide.

"Yes, and I can take him home today?"

"Yes!" She says, once I get the paper work I instantly begin shopping for the new pup, grabbing him a red color'd bed, and a few other things like food, and some chew toys. I even got him a few outfits.

Once i was done i went to the grocery store next door taking him in with me, and got everything on the list that was needed. I headed home towards my lovely girlfriend. She couldn't say no to him... I hope.

Once i got to the compound I put everything onto the kitchen counter, eyeing my girlfriend on the couch, her eyes were trained on the tv infront of her. Natasha sat next to her.

I hid the dog into my jacket and tried sneaking upstairs before she could see me.

"Where do you think you are going?" She says, by the tone of her voice she knew I was hiding something from her.

"Uh... Im kind of tired. I'm going to take a nap." I say slowly making my way to our bedroom.

"Tired, ay? What are you hiding then?" She asks, I could hear her getting up from her spot and making her way towards me. My heart pounded in my chest.

"It's nothing, uh... okay. Well you caught me, their tampons, I started my period." I tell her making my way further up the stairs, I almost got away with it, if Loki didn't bark on my second step up.

"Oh? So they make barking tampons now, hm?" She says, her voice smug.

I turn around and give her a nervous, I just got caught, smile.

"They're doggy shaped too." I continue to play along, the smile is wiped off her face as she sees the dog in my jacket.

Nat immediately runs towards him and takes him out of my hands.

"You are dead. I am going to take this guy so he's not caught in the cross fire... carry on." She says as Yelena grabs my arm and yanks me towards the room slamming the door behind us.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now