Marvelle • W.M.

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I've never felt love before, I was twenty one almost twenty two years of age.

I didn't know what love was supposed to feel like except for the fact that it was supposed to come when I least expected it. I daydreamed about it.

I fantasized.

But never did it happen, well atleast not in the way I wanted it.

I was into girls, and as you might have noticed. Not every girl is gay.

Or bisexual, or pan sexual.

So it's a bit harder to find 'the one' when you don't exactly have the best gaydar in the world. Any stunning woman can be gay. And trust me, they're all stunning.
(Talking to you, baby girl <3)

But I don't know, I guess I'm just very picky.

I work in a coffee shop, and there is this one customer that used to come in with her boyfriend, or at least I thought it was her boyfriend. She wore a hood and a hat, along with sunglasses. I served her everytime, now... she was one person that I daydreamed about.

She had red hair, I never seen the color of her eyes but her fingers were long and slim. Her lips pink, teeth white.

She also contained an accent when she spoke, and god. It was absolutely breathtaking.

For a few days she didn't show, my heart sunk hoping she would come back, maybe she moved? Got married to that boyfriend, oh god... please no. Okay, stop overthinking, and stop being so clingy towards a woman who barely knows my face let alone my name.

My dog, Marvelle, was always with me. I had her trained as a dog who detects seizures when they're coming, so I have to have her with me at all times. I guess it's a good thing I usually know what she's saying. She's a Siberian husky with two different colored eyes, with white and brown fur.

"Come on, Mar. Let's greet the next customers." I say getting up from being outside, she barked once as we walked inside.

She usually laid behind the counter with me in order for this arrangement to work. Most people are not the biggest fans of dogs, especially big dogs like her.

That's when I saw her. With the same man who had short hair, and gloves. This time the dude took his gloves off as he stepped into the coffee shop along with his jacket. A metal arm... nice.

She was wearing a light tan jacket, no sunglasses or hat today. Bizarre being the fact it seemed like she never left home without them, although, she looked so much better without them.

They immediately sit down at a table.

"Ay, you think you can take their order? We don't have many waiters today." My supervisor asks handing me a notepad and pencil.

"What about Mar?" I ask looking down at my dog that was now sitting. She also acted as a protector, whenever she sniffed danger or felt a person was going to harm me, she growled and barked.

"Take her with you, it's fine." Sarah shrugged before walking off.

"Come on, Mar." I sigh as Marvelle began to follow me side by side.

I get to their table.

"Hi, can I take your order?" I ask ready to jot down whatever they wanted.

"Uh- I'll take an espresso." The guy says, I nod and look towards the woman who looks a bit flustered.

"I'll just have a danish."

"Any in mind?"

"Surprise me." She smiles, I nod before tapping my leg to get my dog to follow me again. I get their food and drinks and take it to their table.

"Anything else?" I ask

"Uh, yeah. Wanda wants to know something." The dude says, Wanda... beautiful ñame. God even her name is entrancing.

"Yes?" I ask looking at the woman.

"Uh, i was just wondering... uhm... do you- Uh..." she says blushing

"She wants to know if she can..." the guy edges her on.

"If I Can... have a napkin." She says Unsurely.

"Sure... be back with it." I say a bit awkwardly grabbing the napkin and going back to the table setting it down.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, i thought dogs weren't allowed in here." The man says

"Buck!" Wanda says with wide eyes

"It's fine, she's a service dog." I say casually, although I didn't want to scare Wanda off, I didn't tell them what exactly she was for.

"Oh, what type of service do you require?" Bucky asks prying.

"PTSD." I say too quickly practically lying.

"Ah, makes sense." He says nodding, i nod awkwardly before walking back behind the counter and having Mar lay down next to me.

"PTSD, really y/n? So stupid!" I face palm myself. "Might as well tell her you have fucking baggage." I say again, Marvelle gives me a small bark.

"Hush it, I know I made a fool of myself." She gives another small bark.

"The truth would have scared her even more!" I whisper back. She gives a small whimper laying her head down looking at me. I roll my eyes.

"No! I don't care what she thinks... okay, i do. But it's a valid reason, I do suffer from PTSD." Mar keeps staring at me

"Post traumatic stupidity disorder." I grumble before groaning and heading towards the back. Nice one, y/n. Nice one.


I am so happy I am not the only twenty something year old here.

I am so exhausted, can't sleep. And I don't want to go to work tomorrow. But Anywhore where y'all from?

What do y'all think of this chapter? Part two? Or is it good right here? Eh, let me know.


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