Sickie Natty • N.R.

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Another request done!
This request was basically soft Nat being taken care of, watching a scary movie but I decided to add to it.
Thank you, @Romanoff-p for requesting this!

Nat hasn't been feeling too great for the past week, she's had a cold that hasn't been wanting to let up, so she's been a lot more cuddly and whiny... okay that was an understatement.

Right now I was putting away the last of the laundry I washed for us into our drawers. She had fell asleep in my arms so I used that opportunity to get some chores done, especially with her being so tired and sick she hasn't wanted me to leave her side.

"Baby..." she says in a tired and whiny voice.

"Yes, my love?" I ask turning around after setting the last of our shirts into our drawers.

"Come cuddle." She pouted, I giggled a bit before handing her a cup of water and stroking her cheek as she took gulps from it. She stared up at me as she drank.

"I have to go downstairs, Tony won't get off my ass to go to movie night." I inform her to which her eyes fill up with tears.

"No, please stay." She says with tears slipping down to her cheek.

"Come with" I tell her

"I don't want to get anyone sick" she says with a strained voice, I roll my eyes at her before stroking her hair.

"You are talking about a god who can't get sick, a man with a glow device for a heart, a ninety something year old man that was stuck in ice for god knows how long, and twins along with a metal armed man who've been in nastier conditions." I inform her, she smiles a bit

"What about Sam, and Clint?" She asks

"They won't be there, Sam has something with his nephews and Clint said movie night was lame." I told her as I kissed her forehead. I didn't allow her to speak again as I dragged her body to sit up on the edge of the bed and putting my hands on the back of her thighs lifting her up.

She quickly grabbed onto my shoulders and cuddled into me.

"As long as I can cuddle you." She admits

"Well, who else am I going to cuddle with?" I asked in a sarcastic tone as I brought her downstairs to the common room where everyone was now sitting and getting their snacks ready.

"How you feeling Tasha?" Wanda asks my girlfriend

Nat just put her face into my neck and grumbled which made Wanda laugh a bit as she rubbed her back before going off to grab us some snacks. I made my way to the recliner couch and sat down with Natasha still in my lap.

"Baby, I'm thirsty." She whined, but Wanda had just brought us some snacks and drinks, bringing a Gatorade for Tasha and a cold soda for me.

"Thanks Wand" I tell our friend shooting a grateful smile at her.

"Anytime." She said smiling back before heading over to sit with her brother once more.

Stark decided to be cruel tonight and force us all to watch a scary movie in which I protested religiously against but being that he didn't care, he put it on anyway.

So now it was halfway over, the scariest part of the movie was still yet to come as Natasha had the blanket wrapped up in her fist and head cuddled into my chest as I smoothed out her hair to go behind her ear.

Then the scary part came, and I seen what was coming. Whenever Natasha was sick, well since she's been with me, her senses are down. She refuses to act big and bad as she usually is, she is hardly intimidating when she's sick, to which I did not mind one bit.

I look down to see Natasha sniffling and crying, her eyes were red, and her waterline was red. She looked up and her nose was red as well, but I think that was from her being sick.

"Aw, baby." I breathed out, putting my arm around her shoulders pulling her in tighter.

"I don't wanna watch this movie anymore." She cried into my shoulder. She was really sensitive, and the movie scared her even more. I felt bad for even putting her in this position when she wasn't feeling up to it.

"Let's go upstairs, we'll watch something else." I said sitting up and adjusting Nat on my lap, she stood up and I picked her up once again by her thighs, she wrapped her arms with the blanket around me.

"Where you going?" Tony asked, I turned around to face him in which made Nat face the screen.

"Nat doesn't feel good, she doesn't like the movie so we're gonna head upstairs." I admitted.

"Come on, an ex Russian assassin doesn't like a little scary movie?" He mocked

That's when we heard Nat sniffling once more. I cranked my head to see and she was in fact crying again. Stupid cold had my baby sensitive.

"Never mind... uh, just... just go." He said awkwardly not knowing what to do for the fact he's never seen Nat scared or even a single tear in her eye before.

"Hope you feel better, Romanoff." He tells her, everyone else follows in suit of his words. I nod gratefully before heading back upstairs.

Heading upstairs I grab some medicine and cough drops, once we were back in our room I set her down handing her the medicine and a cough drop in which she gratefully took. I grabbed a tissue putting one hand under her chin to lift up her face to wipe her nose.

I then threw the tissue away before wiping her tears with the back of my hand. She looked at me with a pout.

"Wanna watch Ginny and Georgia?" I ask innocently, she shook her head before asking.

"Can we watch 'My Mom's Dating a Vampire'... please?" She asked in a low tone. It made my heart completely melt, as did I.

"Of course, my love." I said with a smile, I quickly washed up before putting on the movie and climbing into bed with my love. She immediately melts into my side as I protectively wrapped my arm around her.

"Thank you for taking care of me." She said with a strained voice.

"Anything for you my love." I said giving her a peck on the lips.

Yep, anything for you.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now