Repeat Offenders •W.M.

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[Third Person...]

Out of everyone in the compound the trouble makers seemed to be the young ones which were Pietro, Wanda, and Y/n. They're all seventeen. Wanda was usually dragged into these things by her girlfriend and brother, while y/n was usually the mastermind and Pietro was the muscle... well, actually, Wanda was the muscle. But Pietro had the speed to get them out of there as fast as possible.

Except for this one time.

You see, y/n is Tony Stark's and Pepper Potts daughter, so when she did something.. she mainly got away with it. Well, sometimes.

This time the three decided to make their way into one of Tony's expensive cars, only problem was none of them had their license nor did they know how to drive. They were all always driven by Happy, so never came to mind when it came to this plan that they would possibly need to know how to drive.

"Baby, I don't think this is a good idea..." Wanda said to her girlfriend

"It's alright, Wands. We got this, we'll drive it a bit and put it back in its spot, no one will even know we were there." You kissed your girlfriend before getting into the drivers seat. She sighed as she climbed into passenger and Pietro in the backseat. You started the car but before you could even get it onto the street you seen your father and mother coming in through the driveway and instead of pressing the brake, you pressed on the gas.

It caused the car to go quicker and hit theirs.

"Oh my gosh!" Pepper yelled, getting out of the car.

"You just scratched my ride!" You yelled at your father, even if it was your fault for wrecking both cars.

"What?! What the hell are you doing,
y/n?!" Tony yelled exiting his car as well, you chuckled lowering the window a bit to yell out.

"Driving, bitch!"

"Get out the car!" Pepper screamed at the three of you.

"Is it because I'm gay?!" You yelled, making both Pietro and Wanda chuckle at your multiple remarks.

"No! Cause your sixteen!" She yelled back

"Seventeen!" You screamed

"Get out of the car!" She screamed once again

"We were wearing out seatbelts!" You defended, shrugging a bit.

"Get out of the car, you little repeat offenders!" Tony yells at the three of you, to which you all unbuckle and open your doors to exit the car.

"Fuck!" You mumble a bit loudly

Tony takes you by the ear as well as Pietro while Pepper calmly puts her hand on Wanda's shoulder to guide her towards the meeting room.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow. That hurts." You say to your father, when you get there you see all the Avengers already there.

"Now we're here to talk about my precious expensive Mercedes that was taken and wrecked a couple of minutes ago in my parking garage." He yells

"I ain't telling you shit, and you can't do shit 'cause I'm a minor!"  You say sitting back with a smirk on your face and your arms crossed. The rest of the Avengers tried to keep their laughters in.

You hear Cap start to chuckle.

"Fuck you too, professor ass lookin' mother fucker." You tell him making Natasha and Yelena bust out with laughter as well as Bucky.

"You are one angry young girl." Sam says

"Yeah, your messing with my business bitch." You snark back. Pietro and Wanda tried their very best to remain stoic, but it didn't last long with your insults being spewed out of your mouth.

"Who's compound is this?!" Tony yells trying to gain back some of his control from his child

"Yo' mamas!" You yelled

"What?!" You yelled testing him

"You know what? I will smack the Stark off of you!" He yelled back

"You can't do anything to me." You say putting your lips into a tight smile, sitting back in your chair with your arms folded as you tried to hold back a smirk.

"Tell us about why you stole your fathers car!" Pepper finally has had enough of your shenanigans.

"I have no idea what you are talking about... short memory. I'm not telling you nothin'" You smirk

"No, you are gonna tell me some thin' or I'll-" Tony began saying before Pietro quickly grabbed you and Wanda running out of the room. Everyone else but Steve was laughing.

Tony began laughing at his daughter as well.

"I can never say she isn't a Stark" he smiles, Pepper was fed up and rolled her eyes walking out of the room. Not even knowing how she married and gave birth to two people so childish.

Not even your girlfriend was even help as she followed along to your bad influence.

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