Unlovable • N.R.

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Heavily based on Madea's Family Reunion, the abusive relationship except with my type of twist to it. Enjoy!

TW: Verbal and physical abuse, low self esteem, and description of injuries.


I was at the bar with my boyfriend, Jace, and some of the Avengers that I worked and lived with.

Unfortunately I did not have bad ass powers like the rest of them, or a fancy suit, or even assassin skills. The Avengers used me as what you call a healer. I helped heal the wounds with just my hands, most of the time though it causes me pain. The rest don't know that though, I don't want them to become worried and throw me out into the street for it. So I keep that bit to myself.

I can't fly, I can't move a car with my mind, I can't read people's minds, and I can't shoot lasers from my hands. I heal. Which isn't the worst power in the world, but technically it isn't the coolest either. No adrenaline rush, just pure agonizing pain.

"Babe." I hear the voice of Natasha Romanoff taking me out of my thoughts, god was i in love with her. But never in a million years would I ever be able to have her.

"Huh?" I respond a bit dazed

"Jace is talking to you." She says with a small smile towards me. I look over to my side to see in fact my boyfriend standing there with a fake smile over his face.

"Took you long enough, took Natasha calling you name to respond. What? You don't want to speak to me?" He covers his anger with a slight joking tone.

"Of course not baby, I was just lost in thought... that's all." I tell him, giving him a small smile. He smiles back, fake again. Before putting a hand on my thigh and squeezing it harshly.

"Let's dance!" He says quickly grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the dance floor without my consent.

He pulls me into his chest harshly before smiling towards my friends.

"You think that's funny?" He asks in a hushed yet scary whisper.

"N-no, I just zoned out... a-and-" he cut me off before I could continue explaining myself.

"Zoned out? You zoned out looking at miss black widow over there? Hm? I bet you want that, but guess what? She wants nothing to do with you, she wants nothing at all. You hear me? Fucking pathetic, thinking you can leave me-"

"I never said that-"

"Don't fucking interrupt when I'm talking!" He yells a bit, causing my friends to quickly look over at us. I just give them a smile before focusing back to the conversation at hand. He was squeezing my hand so hard it felt like circulation was being cut off.

"Now, your going to go back to that table and tell your little friends your not feeling so good, and we're gonna leave, so I can teach you a fucking lesson." His hot breath was against my ear, I only cringed.

"Why don't you teach it to me here? Hm? Show everyone what your really made of?" I test him a bit more, becoming irritated.

"You only think your bad because we're in front of everyone now. Just wait till your coward-ing in the corner like the bitch you are." He seethed into my ear.

"I'm leaving." I quickly tell him getting out of his arms and began walking away, but he quickly and harshly grabbed my wrist pulling me back into him, I slammed into him with a force.

"You think you leave me that easily? Baby, remember... I love you to death." He raspa into my ear, only making me cringe more in fear now.

As the song came to an end we went back to the table.

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