Mysterious Family [pt. 2] • W.M.

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I walk over to the nursing room where I found all my siblings.

"Hello, little wolf." I say to Hope, before looking over to my siblings.

"Brothers, sisters."

"Sister, what do you think you are doing?" Niklaus asks

"I am fulfilling our prophecy."

"You know as well as we, that- that prophecy will only guarantee your death. Is that what you want little sister?" Elijah says with his hands in his pockets before putting one gently on my shoulder.

"If that means i spend the rest of that time alongside of the one whom will be the other half of my soul, it is not the start of my death but the beginning of my salvation."

"Salvation is for the damned, sister." Kol speaks up.

"What do you consider me then? Hm? A One-third witch, one-third vampire, and one-third werewolf. Do you really think when I am dead those pesky humans will praise my name in glory like some type of saint?" I belittle his comment.

"We only want you safe... and sane." Freya comments

"Love will only drive you mad." Rebekah says next.

"It is too late, being amongst the living for a couple thousand of centuries can do that to you." I cross my arms

"No need to be dramatic young hybrid. Your hostility is very much under appreciated."

"I am not hostile, I am tired. I am in mourning, and I am in desire for love."

"We all know your love for Bonnie, we all thought she was the one but little sister, we cannot put you through such a thing again." Rebekah says

"I am not a child!"

"No you are only a spoiled brat who cannot understand what rules are." Niklaus yells

"Oh, really Nik? So you are the only one who suffered from the hand of our father, let us remember how many beatings I had to suffer at the cost of you, how many times he drowned me in order to put me in line. Let us not forget the amount of times you all cowarded behind mother for protection while Niklaus and I suffered through our punishments!"

"Do not tell me what is good for me, or what will be the end. Every beating I endured I surely thought I would die, even after becoming such a horrid vile monster."

"You were a vile monster before you became a vampire, sister." Kol smirks, but Niklaus stepped toward him.

"Would you like to elaborate on your comment, brother?"

"I said she was vile before becoming a vampire, she was born vile." He spat

"And what of i?" Niklaus narrowed his eyes towards him before grabbing his collar and throwing him against the wall. Quickly picking him up off the floor and trapping him.


"Niklaus, enough." Elijah comments, Niklaus let's Kol go with a huff before turning back around.

"The superhero's may stay, but you are responsible for them, little sister." I smile at my brother before hugging him, he gives a loving hug back.

"You say it like she will be keeping a puppy" Hayley comments

"It practically is like keeping a puppy, humans and animals... they aren't so different from each other." Kol comments once more.

"Says the one who feasts as if it is his last meal." Elijah spat at him.

"Do not be so moral, brother."

"Enough, you are both very pretty... y/n, all I have to say with this situation is allow them to step out of line once, and we will have a grand problem." He continues. I shake my head.

"I am positive the only one you will have a slight problem with is Stark, or Mister Rogers." I shrug

"Steve Rogers, was it? I wonder if he remembers us." Kol says once again with a smirk.

"I am sure Rebekah had a slight impression on the man, she did kiss him." He days before all the boys start making smooching faces.

"Alright, leave Rebekah alone. Y/n, let us meet our pristine guests." Freya says. I nod allowing them to follow me to the living room where I suspected they all were, and just as I thought, they were.

"I have just realized, I never gave my name. Which is very much rude of me." I smile to our guests.

"You opened up your home, I doubt you are rude." Wanda says with a smile, I smile brightly back at her.

"I am y/n Mikaelson, these are my siblings, niece, and nephew."

"Freya, Niklaus, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Marcel, and Hope, and Hope's mother, Hayley." Elijah nods his head to be polite, as does Marcel with a charming smile.

Kol crosses his arms with a scowl.

Niklaus has a smirk plastered on his lips.

Freya steps forward to shake their hands, while Rebekah stands there staring lovingly at Steve. Hayley stands there rocking a baby Hope while smiling awkwardly toward our guests

"It is nice to meet you all." Steve smiles

"The pleasure is ours, what type of people would we be if we did not open our home to the great Avengers!" Niklaus exaggerates.

"Please, make yourselves at home." Niklaus nods his head trying his best to be polite for his favorite sister. Only fully blooded sister, Niklaus was always protective of you despite what you both went through. You both fought for one another against your father.

Niklaus treated you like a father.

More than what you mother ever did for you as well.

"Wanda... is it?" He asks the young witch, she nods her head.

"May i speak to you in private?" He asks, she smiles and nods following him to the balcony where he leans and stares out into the city. Wanda was a bit nervous.

But Niklaus had no intention to harm her, knowing what she meant to you.

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