Uncle Pietro • W.M.

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Wanda and I have been trying our best to get ready for Halloween with our two twin boys and baby girl, Billy, Tommy, and Selena. But we had an unexpected visitor. Her brother Pietro. We love him to death but, the dude is a menace.

"Hey, sis! Bitch in law." He said rolling his eyes at me.

"Jeez, that was my nickname for you." I smiled tauntingly at him. The dude was as Billy and Tommy say it, a man child.

"Babe, not in front of the children." Wanda pulled me aside, putting her hand on my arm lovingly.

"He's a man child, Wanda! I honestly don't know what he has against me?" I tell my wife

"Maybe that you constantly have a stick up your ass and your bossy as hell." He says behind me as a jump from the scare. I roll my eyes.

"Oh get off my ass, will you? You never liked me when we were Avengers and now you don't like me as your sister in law. Honestly, what the fuck do you want?" I asked stepping up towards him.

Wanda got in between us, tired of us making a scene in front of the kids.

"That's enough! Pietro, what is your problem with my wife?" Wanda asks

"Nothing! Just her presence is annoying." He admits

"You know what then? How about this- he can stay and I'll leave." I rolled my eyes walking towards the door but Wanda quickly blocked the door.

"Baby, please. I need you here with me, just ignore him." She said caressing my face. I could see the tears welling up in her beautifully colored eyes.

I sigh, before speaking.

"Keep him away from me" I pointed to him before quickly walking away. I could hear Wanda sigh behind me before loud whispers being made, coming from her and her brother.

"I told you to be nice to her."

"I thought that was nice." He spat back

"That was you being an idiot." She whispered back

"Tomato, tomoto" he smirked before hopping over the couch and sitting in the middle of the boys playing video games, I made my way upstairs.

"Hey, sis in law. When your done throwing your little tantrum, you think you can make me a sandwich? I'm starved." He smirked, I turned around in the middle of the steps. Wanda seen what I was about to do from the smirk on my face. Her face was stern and she crossed her arms.

"Y/n, don't." She said, but it was too late. I flattened my hand out horizontally before my other hand on top of it vertically, pushing it Pietro's way, sending a gust of wind to him before using the same hand that was vertical to swipe my mouth causing Pietro's mouth to be taped shut. I skipped my way up the stairs while Pietro was being laughed at by my kids and struggling to get the tape off of his mouth, trying not to ruin his puberty stash.

"Y/n..." Wanda said following me.

"Yes, my love?" I said innocently.

"I thought you said you were going to be nice."

"Ah, ah, ah, I never said that. I said to keep him away from me."

"He was on the couch!"

"He should have kept his mouth shut." I smirked before walking away into our bedroom.

"Baby..." she whined

"Yes, my love?" I turn around bringing her into my arms and kissing her forehead. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now