Updates :(

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I know I promised updates, y'all are probably disappointed but I am currently working on myself and found out that, at 22 years old, I have to figure out if I want kids now. My doctor told me my PCOS is so bad, even losing weight isn't helping. And the older I get the more complications I'll have carrying a child, I won't name what type. So I have to figure out whether I want to be a single young mom, or not be one at all... oh that gives me a one shot idea... sorry not the time for a joke. But yeah. That's mt life update. So sorry, will update soon! But seriously this all happened AS I'm losing weight. SMH.

I'm sorry guys. :(

I promise to update possibly, if not tomorrow then Tuesday after the gym. I really need a designated reminder to remind me to update, anyone up for the job? Lmao!

Hope you are all doing well!

Here's some questions for y'all to answer!

- did you see the new Thor movie? What'd you think of it?

- do you want kids? How many? Thought of any names?

- what are your opinions on MoM?

- do you think RDJ should make a comeback in the MCU?

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now