I'll Take It • W.M.

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[Third Person...]

"Y/n!" I hear Pietro call my name angrily as Wanda is cuddled up to me as we sit on the couch in the lounge area.

My feet were resting on the coffee table as my eyes were on the tv.

"What's up, speedy?" I ask reaching forward slightly to take a sip of my coke, gesturing it to Wanda if she wanted some, she shook her head.

"I have a bone to pick with you!" He yells

"Me? What'd I do?" I ask defensively, as I set the drink back down onto the coffee table. Wanda looks up with her arms still wrapped around my waist.

"What are your intentions with my sister?! I don't like this- this little charade you have here." He says angrily

"Charade? What are you on about now, Pietro?" Wanda asks her brother, rolling her eyes.

"Let's count back, shall we? Y/n used to have a new girl here every night, three months ago. Texting multiple at once, never the same girl here, dates every Friday."

"And your point is?" I ask sarcastically, annoyed he was bringing this up in front of Wanda, my girlfriend.

"With your history, why should I trust you with my sister?" He asks angrily

"That's none of your business, Pietro. Her dating life before me is none of my business, or yours." Wanda answers for me

"No- no, it's okay babe, I'll answer it." I shrug, not letting her go.

"She's the best thing, that I'll ever have... she always has trouble falling asleep... and she likes to cuddle while under the sheets." I say, giggling and smiling a bit at the end of my sentence. Thinking of my wonderful girlfriend, who has changed me.

"She loves pop songs and dancing, and bad trash tv"

"What does this have to do with my question?" He interrupted

"There's still a few other things." I said answering him.

"She loves love notes and babies, and likes giving gifts... has a hard time accepting a good compliment. She loves those she calls her family, and all of her friends."

"So if you're the one she lets in?" He asks

"I'll take it... if she gives me her heart, I won't break it. I'll let my arms be the thing she feels safe in. She's the best thing that I've ever had. No one has ever loved me, like she has, like that." I explain

I rub Wanda's arms up and down as I look Pietro in the eyes, not having moved an inch in my seat.

"Don't break it."

"I don't plan to." I tell him, he looks at Wanda for reassurance. I look at her also.

She gives me a kiss on the lips and I cup her face, when she pulls away she has the biggest smile on her face.

"She loves me like Papa loved mama..." she tells Pietro. He looks a bit shocked.

"You always said you wanted the love they had..." he breaths out a laugh

"I have no one else, if I lose her... I have nothing. Those other women... they were distractions from the loneliness." I explain myself further

"My mother died, and my father left me. Never wanted anything to do with me."

"And your brother?" He asks

"Abandoned me, like everyone else."

"How do I know you won't do the same to my sister?" He asks again

"Because I know the pain of loneliness, and the need to want those who don't want you. I won't allow someone else to feel that." I explain

"Especially not someone I adore, the hell out of." I said kissing her cheek continuously she just giggled.

"You passed. I'm off now." He says speeding away, I look at Wanda weirdly.

"Your brother is weird." I say getting comfortable in her arms again.

"I know, that's why we love him." I just shrug my shoulders with a small laugh.

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