McMarried • N.R.

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I got this idea from S2 E1 of Grey's Anatomy, Marvel Edition. Enjoy!

[Third Person...]

Y/n and Natasha had been dating for around three months now. Y/n was an intern at SHIELD, while Natasha was a high up agent, practically your boss.

They had been keeping it quiet from all of the other agents including Fury, and even Captain Marvel. Especially Captain America, aka stick up his ass Rogers.

Other than other agents at SHIELD, the higher ups. The rest of the Avengers knew about the relationship. Including Tony Stark, Barnes, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Sam Wilson, and Sharon Carter even Natasha's younger sister knew about them.

Sharon, Wanda, and Pietro were all Y/n best friends. They were constantly talking about Natasha, and quite recently Yelena.

They even had nicknames, Nat was McSteamy, Yelena was McDreamy. They even had nicknames for other people such as Captain America, who was known as the Nazi. Cool your pants, Barnes and Wilson came up with it. Banner was known as Dr. Evil Spawn.

Yelena and Natasha had a nickname for you and Wanda as well, being you were the closest and both had special powers similar to each other, although having no blood relation they call you the 'Twisted Sisters'. Which has caught on with the other Avengers.

Sharon was known as Double-O-Seven, known as licensed to kill. Tony gave it to her which wasn't the best idea because now she thinks she's some cool person for it. Pietro was known as Satan, given to him by you from all the little things he does to you with his speed like putting ice down your shirt, wrapping you in plastic wrap, tripping you by tying your laces together, and drawing on your face.

He thinks it's funny, and each time he gets in trouble from Natasha and threatened to be put in a cell, which you love.

"Hi my love, where's the other twisted sister? Your never separated." Natasha said kissing your lips, sitting on the couch.

"If your speaking of Wanda, if you must know she is on a mission, she'll be back in a few hours." You said rolling your eyes, Nat smirked climbing on top of you.

"So we have some time for a little..." she rose her eyebrows suggesting it.

"... without her using her magic to unlock the door." She pouted

"Your so whiney" You giggled

"I get whiney when I don't see you all day!" Nat whines

"And who's fault is that? You decided to go on that trip with Fury." You blamed her jokingly, it was her turn to roll her eyes.

"That's not fair, your always with Wanda-" Natasha was suddenly interrupted from a knock at your door.

"Speak of the devil." She mumbled getting off of you, you giggled getting up and opened the bedroom door. But it wasn't Wanda, in fact you didn't expect the person on the other side.

You quickly sent Natasha a message to her mind to hide.

She quickly did flipping over and hiding on the side of your bed.

"Agent Hill, to what do I owe the pleasure? I thought you were stationed in Florida." You asked formally, straightening your back and putting your legs together to seem a bit more professional. You had never met Maria Hill, not until this moment. You only knew her face, and knew that if she were to come to you, to be ready. She was tough, Fury warned you of her. He informed you to be professional when you saw her, it would reflect better on him.

"Stand down soldier, I am not here on business." She said smiling a bit, with amusement which only confused you so much more.

"T-then what are you doing here?" You asked

"Natasha Romanoff." She said bluntly. You gulped.

"And what of my superior?" You asked politely. She only smiled.

"She is in here, correct?" She asked walking a bit into the room, you were practically shoved out of the way. Natasha was now standing up looking at Maria in shock.

"Maria. What are you doing here?" She asked seriously, yet a bit nervously. Hill laughed a bit, before speaking.

"What? I can't come to back to New York to see my wife and her... mistress." She smirkedC her hands clasped behind her as she looked at Natasha and you. The words were knocked out of your mouth.

"W-wife?" You stuttered

"No- no, y/n this isn't what it seems like-"

"I- I am going to go to- f-for a walk... and when I get back, respectfully Agent Hill... I would like you both to be gone." You stuttered out as you walked out of the room.

"No, y/n! Please let me explain!" She yelled hopping over the bed to try and get to you but you were already gone as you ran into Pietro and Sharon.

"Hey? Hey... what's wrong?" They both asked

"I need- I need air." You said trying to breathe but seemingly having a panic attack. Sharon noticed this and quickly took you outside, Pietro picked you up running you there quickly. Wanda was just pulling up when she seen you.

"Hey! What's wrong? Do you need Pietro to get McSteamy?" She asked

"No." You said finally catching your breath as tears pricked your eyes.

"Why? What happened?" Sharon asked

"McSteamy is McMarried." You said bluntly.

"And I need a McDrink." You said, Sharon nodded before grabbing her keys.

"Let's go." No questions asked until you got there where you explained what had happened with Maria, and all.

You were taking shot after shot trying to get drunk.

"Maybe you should slow down." The bartender said

"Was it your boss or lover?" He asked politely

"Boss and lover, my lover is my practically my boss and my boss practically has a wife who is also my boss, and practically showed up at my front door." You said taking another shot


"She knocked on my bedroom door." You groaned, the bartender made a face before giving you another shot.

"I'll tell you what, this ones on the house." He said

Yo girl might have covid again so my nurse put me in quarantine and won't let me go to work until I get my results, great.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now