Dont Want Me Anymore • N.R. [pt. 2]

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[Third Person...]

After things went black y/n was immediately lifted into Natasha's arms as she had called her fellow Avengers to take the jet out to where you were, but the flight would be long for them before they could get there and she had to hurry to get you to safety now.

You drifted in and out of consciousness as she ran to bring you to her hotel room, she knew Dreykov and his minions would be there soon enough to find her. But she also knew he would not dare touch an Avenger.

Yelena found you two and helped her sister to bring you up to their room.

Once inside Natasha set you onto the dining room table and took off the flannel holding pressure to your deep stab wound.

She grabbed the hem of your shirt tearing it in half to get a better look at the wound and the hurt skin around it.

"Baby?" You gasped awake

"Shh, shh, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere, I need to stitch up your wound... okay?" She said breathing heavily before running around to grab supplies she needed, a thread, a match, a needle, and any source of alcohol. Being in a Russian assassin's hotel room, all they had was vodka, but it'd have to do. She put it all on the table.

"Wait, your stitching her up here?!" Yelena asked her sister as she watched Natasha heat up the thin needle.

"What else do you expect me to do?!" She asked as she looked down at her girlfriend who was now gaining a fever from the quick in acting infection from the open stab wound. Slick sweat laid upon your skin as Natasha pushed back some hair that was sticking to your face.

"Wait for your buddies to get here." Yelena said

"It'll take too long for them to get here, by then the infection will be worse with an open wound, we need to close it before the infection has any time to get worse." Natasha says before moving back to your side that had your wound. She drenched your wound as well as the needle and thread in vodka before even thinking of starting.

"Now hold her down for when she wakes up, cause she will... and here-" she said handing her baby sister a hand towel.

"What the hell do I do with this?!" She asked furrowing her eyebrows in confusion as she took the small black towel.

"Put it in your mouth for when she starts screaming, we can't risk Dreykov or his new widows finding us before Steve and Tony." Natasha informs her not using up any more of her time as she gets to sowing up your wound.

As planned you woke up whining and groaning as you felt the needle weaving in and out of your skin, puncturing it.

"Baby, shh, you need to keep quiet." Natasha tries to hush you as your whines only got louder.

"Shit." Nat curses as she stops her stitching.

"What?" Yelena asks, your breathing was ragged as you slipped in and out of consciousness.

"The thread isn't long enough... I'm going to have to cauterize the rest." She says warily.

"Cauterize? As in-"

"As in burning her skin closed, yes Lena." She frustratedly let's out as she looks up at you, your eyes scrunched closed, your eyebrows furrowed, sweat coated your skin as your sports bra covered chest rising up and down at an unsteady pace. Natasha got off the table as she went over to find a knife and turn on the gas powered stove setting the knife on top, before cutting the three already laced on your skin like redoing a jacked up knitting job on a pair of jeans. You groaned feeling the thread irritate your skin as it left.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now