I'm done • n.r.

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[Third Person...]

You were angry, you were sad, and all you wanted was to be happy.

People in the world made it hard for that, you honestly wanted was peace, friendship, and love. But this was reality. Reality was, there is no such things as peace, friendship, and love.

You had a loving girlfriend, but she was away at missions most of the time.

You had friends at the compound, but felt like they knew nothing about you.

You had coworkers you worked with, but there's always that one that cause disruption of the whole place, causing them all to ignore you and turn their backs to you. It was like being in high school all over again.

You felt over it.

You were finally done.

Done with feeling numb.

Done with feeling angry, and depressed.

Done with feeling no one would ever know your mind.


So while Natasha was at a mission overnight, you decided to do it. Writing a letter to each of your friends, and Natasha setting it on the desk before going into the bathroom. You grabbed the pill bottle of sleeping pills and filled the tub up.

You didn't bother to take your clothes off as you laid in there.

Your mascara was run down your face, your eyes red and tired. The bags finally showing their way to the surface. You always managed to hide them well.

You swallowed the handful of pills before laying your back against the edge of the tub. Sleep quickly overtook you as your body sunk deeper and deeper, allowing your head to be fully submerged into water.

What you didn't know, or even realize was Natasha's mission wasn't an overnight one. She came home early to the compound excited to see you, to tell you she was getting vacation time, which was the reason why she was doing so many missions at once.

She ran her way upstairs and barged into the room, it was weird when she didn't see you there. You usually waited for her to shower or sleep.

She was about to turn around when sprawled out papers caught her attention on the desk, with her name and the others written neatly on top.

She quickly grabbed the letter opening it, and the first sentence set her off as she frantically looked for you, no longer worrying about what the rest of the letter said.

"Friday, alarm the rest. Get Bruce, and Tony up here now!"

"What shall I tell them, Miss Romanoff?" The AI responded

"Tell them It's a code y/n..." she said her breathing frantic as she seen the bathroom light on. She quickly made her way to the door but it was locked. Quickly she slammed the door open, water overfilling the tub, your whole body submerged under water.

Nat quickly started screaming for the others bringing your body out of water, wetting her own clothes in the process. She screamed as loud as she ever did.

"Help me! Please! Someone help!" All of her Widow assassin training immediately out the window as she was left hopeless, unable to figure out how to win this fight. The fight to keep you alive.

Your body was limp, eyes closed, face pale.

When Bruce got into the room he quickly checked for a pulse, finding a faint one, it was still a pulse. He immediately ejected the medicine out of your system by putting his fingers down your throat, you coughed them up, but now water was stuck in your lungs.

Bruce and Tony acted quick.

Tony began CPR on his sister, working to revive her and get the water out of her breathing system.

He pumped your chest and took a large breath before breathing into your mouth. Wanda did what she could to wake your mind up.

Finally your coughed up the water, Tony laying you on your side as you struggled to breath.

"Her pulse is stronger but she needs to have her stomach pumped, she needs to get to the medic bay." He let's Natasha knows as he picks you up and carries you to the medical area in the compound.

He set You down on the bed pulling a chair beside it for Natasha to sit. He quickly began working to revive You fully. When he did, he left you and Natasha alone. You laid in the bed, still, but breathing, and most importantly with a strong pulse.

"What could set her off like this?" Bruce asked his friends

"I don't know... maybe She's been like this for a while." Tony suggests

"I was in her mind, she's been feeling these emotions for years. With the weight of everything, especially certain people. I think she just folded." Wanda says sadly.

"Not completely, we just got to get her to wake up. Then we can get her the help she needs. Who are these certain people?" Tony asks Wanda.

"Coworkers, i guess. They just heightened all of the emotions, with everything they were doing and saying. It was too much for her." Wanda explains

"I'ma kill those bastards." Bucky says angrily

"Let's not use the word 'kill' for a while... but i agree." Cap says afterwards.

"Let's let her rest for now, Nat is in there with her. There's nothing there for her to harm herself with, she's fine for now." Bruce says finally, they all nod waiting outside the medical area awaiting for your awake.

Inside, Natasha sat next to your body in full fledged tears. She sobbed against your cold hand trying to decipher how much pain you were feeling.

Natasha now realized, for you to risk losing a life with her, you were in an immense amount of pain. She just wanted to kiss you, never let you go, take care of you, and punch her way through every problem you ever had or will have in order for you to feel safe and happy.

But she knew that wasn't realistic.

She could take care of you, and never let you go, but there would be times when she couldn't solve your problems for you, and she knew this.

But god, did she wish she could.



I don't know what I did, but one coworker keeps slamming shit when I'm around, and everyone else is acting hella shady to me. All I want to do is cry, and never leave my house because I feel like everything that goes wrong is my fault. Like i am so tired.

I'm so angry, and sad.

People are fucking assholes. A.k.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now