Babies - N.R.

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hehe... don't kill me? ... please? 


"Wanda, the babies are fine." I groan as I struggle to sit down with a big belly sticking out infront of me. 

"I'm just asking, plus Pietro won't stop bugging me to ask as well." Wanda groaned next as a very antsy Pietro stood behind her looking into her phone and at me. 

"Piet, I swear I am fine, when the babies are here you two will be the first that Nat contacts." I try to reassure him but Pietro doesn't take the bait as he looks at me with squinted eyes not saying a word as he looks at Wanda before staring back at me. 

"Babies? As in plural." He questioned as he looked at the phone in suspicion, shit. I didn't tell anyone but Nat that there would be more than one baby. I was having twins. 

"Uh..." I try to think of a lie but am intruppted in my thought process as Wanda's thick accent cuts into play. 

"Do not dare lie to us, Y/n Maxi - Romanoff!" She threatened, before you question the last name, I preffered not to have two last names that were so similar to eachother. So Natasha and I opted to the hyphenated plus minimized last name. Maxi-Romanoff. I liked the name Maxi, it was sort of cute. 

"I- we... who hurt you so bad that you can't even trust your very cute and very lovable little sister? I am baffled, shocked, hurt, heartbroken-" Before I could finish my sentence Wanda interrupted me. 

"Spill it!" 

"Fine, we're having twins." I finally announced, it wasn't the way I wanted to tell everyone but beggers can't be choosers. 

"Like us! Like us!" Pietro screamed jumping around like a five year old who just got the present of a lifetime on Christmas Day. 

"Will they be juniors?" He asked when he finally stopped jumping around like an imbecile. I rolled my eyes at my older brother. He surely was not the smarts in the family. 

Pietro got the speed, while Wanda and I became witches, Wanda being the Scarlet Witch while I gained the name The Sorceress, which sounded way cooler than 'witch', but hey, my sister could rock it. My color was yellow, while theirs were scarlet and blue. All of our favorite colors since we were young. 

"No, dork." Wanda told him while I chuckled. Pietro looked at her offended before it quickly left his mind. 

"Do you know the genders yet?" She asked curiously. 

"Calista and Elliott" I smile. 

"Calista Maxi Romanoff, and Elliott Maxi Romanoff" She tried their names out for size, smiling at how adorable their name rolled off the tongue. 

"Middle names?" she asked curiously, but before I could respond, Natasha walked in with a hot compress for me answering my question for me. 

"Too long for a facetime call" she joked giggling, I hit her arm as I was the one who wanted the two middle names. 

"Really? Your still into the two middle names?" Wanda looked at me shocked as I have always wanted two middle names for my kids, it's something I just had a big inclining to. 

"Calista Waverley Adelyn Maxi Romanoff" Natasha told her before moving on to our sons full name. "Elliott Hudson Lio Maxi Romanoff" She finished the names but was not finished making fun of my choice for names just yet. "Why she chooses Waverley and Hudson are completely ridiculous to me- OW!" She pouted as I hit her arm. 

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now