Pregnant • Y.B.

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Being pregnant with an Avenger as your spouse was the best and also the worst. Whenever I would start crying she would be completely protective and cuddle me. But when she would leave it would start the crying.

Especially now that I'm pregnant. It hasn't been the best.

"Baby, I gotta go now... you okay?" She asks getting her vest on to head out.

"No..." I pouted only wanting my wife to stay home with me. Tears welled up in my eyes, even if I knew she would only be gone for about two hours for a meeting. My mind and hormones couldn't take it so here came the waterworks.

"Aw, baby. I'll be back soon, I promise." She says pecking my forehead before leaving the house. Tears ran down my cheeks as I wiped them away.

"I'm a fucking ex federal agent who would kick bag guys asses for a living, why the fuck am I crying?" I say fiercely wiping my tears in anger at myself.

I willed myself up to clean the house a bit, feed Fanny, and cook a bit.

When I was done our dog hopped onto my lap laying her head on my thigh. I smiled petting her head.

Suddenly my phone pang'd as I picked it up, seeing Yelena had texted me.

Hey baby, on my way back. You want any snacks?

She texted, I smiled at the text and then tears then followed them. She asked if I wanted any snacks... how sweet of her. Oh god, I fucking hate pregnant hormonal me. I sighed before texting back.

Can you get some Dutch on the way home, please?

I texted back, Dutch Bro's was my favorite. She knew this already. A few minutes later she walked in with two cups, one for me, the other for her. She got my favorite and I was beyond happy. I started crying once again.

"Aw, baby. Are you okay?" She says smiling grabbing my face and wiping my tears.

"No, I used to be scary. Now I'm fat, and ugly cry all the time." I tell her, she sighs sadly.

"My love, you aren't, and will never be fat or ugly. It's just your hormones... your okay." She says smiling at me before pulling me into a kiss.

"Come on, let's sit and watch a movie." She says putting her arm around my shoulders, grabbing our drinks and leading us to the couch.

"I love you, and our soon to be bundle of joy." She says kissing my stomach

"I never thought I would ever have kids... I never thought I could ever be a mom. You are the love of my life, and I cannot wait for forever with you." You willed yourself not to cry again as you spoke.

"We're living in forever, darling." You say giggling as tears made their way down your face once again.

"Yes, my love and I cannot wait for the more that is to come. Can't you see it? Happily ever after? You, and me. This baby... my sister and parents, god I never thought I would ever have it... any of this." She admits

"I mean, just two years ago... Natasha and I were mending things with Melina and Alexei... with each other. She introduced me to you... god, I never believed I could even dream of having this." She said, now tears were in her eyes.

"A dog, a baby, a fiancé... my family." She says rubbing my belly lovingly.

"I couldn't be happier, I don't even know who to thank. I am so unbelievably happy, I don't know how I am containing it all." She says

"Just... never leave me." She pleads

"I will try my best to stay by your side for as long as I can, darling." I tell her, giving her a kiss on the lips as tears fell from both of our faces.

"We're supposed to be intimidating and scary... now look at us." I say giggling, she rolls her eyes before speaking.

"We're even scarier, no one has ever seen us crying." She laughs

The rest of the afternoon was spent with Yelena changing into some regular clothes, Fanny playing with her toys, and the baby kicking for the first time. When I gasped Yelena stood up quickly from beside me asking what was wrong.

"They kicked!" I exclaimed about the baby

"They kicked? They kicked!" She asked before yelling it.

For the rest of the night Yelena would not take her hands off my belly, gleaming in joy and excitement each time the baby would move or kick.

"She did it again! Did you feel it baby?" She asked excitedly

"Yes baby, I did." I said with a bright smile watching as she became excited from one small movement

We watched a movie and Yelena kept her arms protectively around me as she had her hands on my belly.

Life was one, we were at peace. Things were good, and we could not be any happier with where we were in life right now.


Woah, I'm really feeding y'all with content lately, huh?
You'll be excited to know I am working on an update for both my stories if you read them! I've been off work for the week so expect more content!!

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