Never here • y.b.

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I go back to work tomorrow, I'm sad and scared and anxious.
But Anywhore don't make fun of the kids names this time! One is the name of my godson and the other is my future daughters name lmfao!
[Third Person...]

"Mommy, when mama gettin' ome?" Your two almost three year old asks you as you began preparing dinner.

"Mama should be home in an hour, baby."

"A 'our?" He asks

"Yes, my love." You say scratching the back of his head before moving behind him to get to the fridge.

Your other two year old daughter comes from the living room, that you had an eye on.

"Mommy, i tired." She says sadly rubbing her eyes.

"But baby, you don't wanna wait for mama?" You ask with a fake pout.

"No, mama come kiss me later. I want bed." She says sadly, you pout picking her up by her hands lazily before putting one arm around her to hook her onto your hip. You rocked her as she fell asleep.

"Mommy!" Your son Romeo yells.

"Shh, Rome, Lucy is asleep. Gotta be quieter." You explain, he makes an "oh" face  before continuing to whisper.

"Mommy..." he whispered

"Yes, my love?"

"When mama getting home?" He asks

"A few minutes, my love. Go watch the movie i put on." He woddled back to the couch.

When Yelena finally did get home, both her children were asleep, and her food had been set in the fridge. Her heart broke knowing she missed dinner... again.

You laid in your shared bed alone, with your back towards the door and an angry tired look on your face. Fanny laying in her bed just next to you. Her head pops up from the sound of the bedroom door opening and a light flickering on. You closed your eyes to pretend to be asleep as she came around the bed and kneeled infront of you. She tried brushing some of your hair out of your face before you smacked her hand away.

"My love..." she tried

"No." Is all you said before turning to face your back towards her again.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't tell me that, tell your son who, might i add, I had to wipe the tears off his tired face because he wanted to wait for his mama to get home." You say angrily sitting up and taking the covers off of you to head toward the bathroom.

"I know, I messed up... again. But I was on a mission-"

"Mission, mission, mission. It's always a damn mission. When we wrote our vows we agreed to in sickness and in health, not in mission or without." You spat

"We also promised in good times and in bad, baby... I'm sorry."

"You're always sorry. When will you realize apologies won't give our children the memories they want with their mother! When will you realize that these missions will never be worth your life, and then what was your life if you never spent any waking moment with your family!" You yelled just loud enough for the point to get through to her.

"I'll try harder." She said reaching for your hands but you backed away

"I've heard that one before."

"I will! No more SHIELD, no more black Widow, just You, me, Rome, and Lucy..." she says sadly

"I can't do this anymore... we cant." You whisper looking towards the floor as a tear rolled down your cheek. Yelena comes to wipe it gently.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now