Fireworks • W.M.

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I have been making a lot of Natasha one shots, I know, I'm sorry. I'm trying to cope with the loss lol. But here's a Wanda one I got the idea from TikTok, shout out to the person who came up with it.

[Third Person...]

"Ay! Happy fourth everyone!" Wanda and Y/n heard Steve and Tony yell as they came into the lounge room. Wanda was cuddled into your side as you had an arm wrapped around her. You were watching a movie.

"We got a surprise! Come outside!" Banner yells from the doorway excitedly.

"I think Wanda and I will just stay in-"

"But babe, I want to see too!" She says excitedly, you felt guilty. You didn't want her to miss out on this but you also knew it would trigger her post traumatic disorder.

You already knew the surprise, what else would three grown men be excited for other than beer and women in bikini's?

"Alright... but do not leave my side, understand?" You tell her sternly

"Ah, come on, y/n. She's a grown woman, let her be."

"Shut it, Stark" you tell him angrily

"I promise baby, can we please go see?" Wanda asks excitedly, you nod.

Wrapping your arm around her shoulders you went out onto the dark. It was cold, and Wanda wasn't wearing a jacket so you quickly took your hoodie off putting it on her before wrapping your arms around her again, clasping your fingers together to hold her tight. Hers wrapped around her waist, as you laid a gentle long kiss on her head.

"Everyone ready?" Tony yells, everyone yells yeah, except for you. You knew what was coming, suddenly Wanda left your hold to see what Tony was doing. Not even a minute later the loud screams and cracks started from the fireworks.

Suddenly Wanda's eyes grew wide before shutting them closed, covering her ears quickly. She screamed, causing everyone to look at her. You didn't waste time.

"Wanda!" You yelled as the fireworks started, knowing what was going to happen. It was too late, you wrapped your arms around her again. Putting her head in the crook of your neck as she sobbed.

You whispers sweet affirmations in her ear to calm her down as you scratched her back softly to calm her down.

Tony quickly grabbed the fireworks.

"Tony I swear to god, if you light another one, I will kill you with my bare hands." You tell him with anger dripping like venom in your tone. Tony looked at you.

"I'm throwing them out, she doesn't deserve to go through that again." He says sympathetically before throwing them in the trash.

"Well that's fifty bucks wasted." Sam gives a rude remark, to which you shoot him a glare. Ready to snarl at him, but Wanda lifted her head to look at you.

Your neck was now wet with tears, but you didn't mind.

"It's okay." She said with her voice hoarse as she hiccup'd

"American holidays are stupid." She said as she hiccup'd

"I know baby, let's go inside. I'll make you some tea, hm?" You tell her softly, as the pad of your thumbs rubbed her cheeks wiping all the tears away. She nodded.

The rest of the Avengers looked at you both with sympathy as you brought Wanda inside. The rest of the night was filled with a lot of crying, but thanks to you and your hard of hearing ears. Most of the time was spent nice, the television was loud so Wanda couldn't hear the regular fireworks exploding.

But you had the idiots with the illegals as well, and those would scare her the most. Wanda would jump in your hold, as tears would well up in her eyes. You would sing to her to calm her down.


Another illegal, went off as Wanda jumped in the air. It was a whole lot closer this time. Wanda scrambled into your lap, holding onto you tightly.

"I hope we meet again
Cause you hold the love that's in my heart
In another lifetime we can mend all that is our broken hearts
And I hope we meet again
Cause yours is the love that is from the start
One day we'll pretend that we were never put apart
Oh I wanna meet again, cause if it's not you, it's no one else."

You continued to sing to her, as she calmed down.

"Your eyes, I can't help but stare
They just shine so bright
And my eyes mixed with yours
Like the ground meets the sky
I want to meet again
Like we were never put apart
I want to meet again
Cause you hold a piece of my heart "

You finish up apart of the song.

"I want to meet again,
Can we meet again,
Can we meet again,
May we meet again."

You finished singing, Wanda was asleep in your arms. You just stayed sitting up, not wanting to disturb her.

Suddenly, Tony walked into the room with a guilty look on his face. You give him a warning look but he just shoots his hands in the hair quickly in surrender.

"What is it, Stark?" You ask impatiently, whispering so you don't disturb the love of your life sleeping peacefully in your arms.

"I wanted to say sorry, but she's asleep... uh, I'll tell her tomorrow." He says awkwardly, but before he walks out he turns back around and surprised you.

"Do you think she still hates me for the bombs...?" He asks cautiously

"Hate is a strong word... but no. She's hurt, yes. But hate? Wanda couldn't hate no matter how hard she tries." You reassure him

"But it wasn't your fault, they were your fathers inventions. At the time you weren't even in the company, it's just easier for her to place the blame on you. She'll forgive you one day." You reassure him once again. His face calms as he hears your words.

"You think?" He asks

"I know she will, she adores you Stark." You tell him. He smiles happily, before nodding and walking out of the room. You softly lay Wanda down on the bed before putting her under the covers and going to turn off the light.

"Where you going?" She asks quickly with a groggy voice, she quickly grabbed your hand not wanting you to leave her.

"I'm just turning off the light, mi amor." You tell her. You turned it off, the only thing illuminating the room was the tv shows playing on the screen as you crawled into bed with her. Wanda immediately molds into your body.

"I love you." She sighs as she melts into your arms, putting her head in the crook of your neck, her breath ticking you a bit. Her arms wrapped around your torso tightly, as if she would lose you if she held any looser.

"I love you so much, mi vida." You tell her, quickly pecking her lips, then kissing her soft squishy cheeks before shutting your eyes.

"You're my whole world." Is all you hear before going to sleep. You responded before letting sleep overtake your whole body.

"And you are my universe." You tell her, before quickly falling asleep.

The both of you intertwined into each other.

The world was perfect.

And Wanda no longer had to worry about fireworks or bombs, because she had you to comfort her. She had you to love.


Okay I'm literally falling asleep, wanted to make this really quick for the excessive Natasha one shots lol.

Not gonna lie, I've been feeling like going into a low, but trying not to. But anyways, I'm tired lol.
Goodnight, loves!

Mi vida - my life
Mi amor - my love

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now