Rough Past [request] • W.M.

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Tw//self harm, mentions of abuse and rape

For a long time, you had been self harming. Wanda found out a year after you started dating and helped you stop.

But lately things have been getting bad again. You felt worthless, you stopped going to therapy although you'd tell Wanda fake stories about your sessions. You stopped speaking so much, but no one really noticed. When Wanda went to your room, most of the time you weren't there. You were out on the roof, contemplating life, and all of its up and downs. You no longer ate with everyone else, you didn't do movie nights, game nights, or go to Tony's parties.

You've completely lost yourself, and no one has taken notice. Not even Wanda, or at least you thought.

One night just before you were about to head up to the roof with your blanket wrapped around your arms, your long sleeve shirt and joggers covered the freshly made cuts that laid on your skin.

You sat up in your bed grabbing your blanket when you heard a knock.

"Come in" you said cooley quickly wiping the tears from your face. In came Natasha, Wanda, and Yelena.

"Hey guys, what's up?" You asked as if you just weren't sobbing your eyes out in silence for the past two hours.

You were skinnier, each one of them took notice to that.

"Hey baby, we just wanted to check on you." Wanda said smiling a bit coming over and cupping your face with her soft cold hands. You smiled at her.

"I'm fine" you nodded kissing her palm

Wanda looked back at the rest, Natasha's arms were crossed as she looked at the ground and began to speak, switching her weight from foot to foot.

"Uhm, y/n. Be honest... are you hurting yourself?"

"What?! Of course not!" You lied through your teeth as you quickly removed Wanda's hands from your face.

"Then you won't mind proving it to us, show us your arms." Yelena said smoothly, not allowing a word to falter.

"What?" You asked in shock

"You heard her, show us your arms... and your thighs, and your stomach." Natasha clarified a bit more.

You scoffed before speaking again.

"Hey guys, I love you. But no fucking way." You said standing up, but Wanda quickly used her powers to keep you down.

"I'm sorry baby, but we have to check."

"Wanda let me go!" You screamed as Natasha and Yelena quickly pulled up your shirt and sleeves. There laid many cuts along your arms. Everyone developed tears in their eyes.

"Baby..." Wanda whispered

"Why?" She asked

"You really want to know Wanda? All these years and now you want to know?! Daddy stuck around but he wasn't present! Cheated on my mom but she never left him, you know at first I didn't get it but now I understand. He broke her heart and left money in her hand." You explained

"She sold me to him, I was a fucking piece of meat for his sexual needs Wanda! I'm fucked up in the head! Why do you think I do this?!" I screamed

"But you know what?! Everything got paid for, right? Even though I had nothing, she made sure all of my brothers got way more." Tears slipped my eyes.

"D-did they?" Wanda asked

"They were just like him. Beat me, ridiculed me... raped me." I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Baby..." she whispered pulling me into her as I sobbed.

"God, i feel like throwing up." Yelena mentioned

"I can see it on your face it was rough..." Wanda whispered

"It left a bad taste on your tongue." Nat added

"And you know the best part? She didn't even take any drugs! She did it all sober." I cried, Wanda shushed me as she tried to lull my sobs. Petting my hair.

"It'd rain all day... you couldn't wait for the sun to shine..." Yelena whispered, thinking of her own past and ptsd, knowing you were going through a lot. She understood, cause she also had scars to hide.

"But you were made to shine, your There when I cry... you saved my life." Wanda whispered, you became breathless as this new information pulling away. Wanda nodded.

"Before you, I wanted to die. I hate everyone, everything. But I met you, and the clouds faded. Baby, your my sun. Please don't harm my sun, She's all i have." She whispered pecking your lips.

You finally understood.

"You shatter a piece of my heart every time you hurt yourself, my love." She explained

You got it. You were hurting Wanda when you hurt yourself, you didn't want to do that.

"I'm sorry" you whispered

"It's okay baby, don't do it anymore. I'm here for you. No matter what, your family is filled with pricks and sickos, but we'll start our own family." She said rubbing the tears from your cheeks, you nodded. Natasha chimed in.

"And we are your family too... through and through." She said putting a hand on your shoulder. You smiled at her gratefully.

"I love you so much." Wanda said. You smiled and kissed her.

Things slowly got better, you stopped lying about your past to your therapist, the team, and Wanda. You were finally open and honest. And you never thought it'd feel this good.

Wanda checks your body every day and lays her kisses on your skin for extra healing as she says.

Wanda would remind you everyday through notes, and voicemails, and speaking to you, songs, poems, and so much more things that you are the light of her life.

Using movie quotes, and tv couples to explain how much she cared for you.

The team was happy to see you around again, everyone was sad to hear the news of yourself harming. But glad you got better.

Once the news came out about your past to the rest they did what they could to get your family behind bars. Which they did, mainly Tony and Cap.

Cap held a high role in the government for being a superhero, Tony was rich and paid for your lawyer, and also his friend Rhodey helped in testifying on your behalf on how you were an acceptional and bright young woman.

Everything was great now.

You were finally happy.


This is crappy, but I need to head to sleep. I don't want to get in trouble at work again tomorrow.

Please wish me luck, I will literally cry (like I did today) if I get in trouble again.

I'll explain tomorrow what happened to me, and why I got in trouble lol.

Anyways, all the love, goodnight.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now