Wrong Side of Town [pt. 2] • w.m.

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When we got home with Ceci, it was getting dark. The sun was almost set, and the street lights were already on. Mom wasn't on the couch anymore, and the liquor bottle was now empty on the dinner table. I sigh grabbing it, along with an empty trash bag to throw all the empty bottles away.

Rafael took Ceci out of the stroller while Cesar went to put his shoes and backpack away in his and Rafael's shared room.

In the apartment I shared a room with Ceci, she had an old broken barely holding up crib, but sometimes if she acted up at night I would put her in bed with me, the bed we slept on sometimes wasn't fancy, it was held up with a box spring. It was old and dirty, everything was in the apartment. Most nights we don't get a room, Ceci and I were lucky if mother is out for the night, most nights she brings home a man from the party she went to and I have to put Ceci to sleep on her bouncer while I take the rundown broken couch.

Cesar and Rafael didn't have the best sleeping space either, they had to share a full sized bed, Cesar is a wild sleeper, so most nights Rafael has'd to sleep sitting up on a broken recliner in their room.

Mom works hard to fuck us over, so while she's out doing god knows what with god knows who, Rafael and I, her twins, have to provide, clean, cook, and parent our brother and sister. We try to get to school when we can but it's hard.

I clean up the kitchen and living room a bit before serving my siblings their plates of food, grabbing a water for myself. There wasn't enough for all of us, the reason being my mom likes to invite her drug addict friends while we're at work or school. So the food that Esmerelda sometimes cooks is not enough by the time we get home.

I always make sure to hide from Rafael that I'm not eating so he could eat. I was older than him by twenty minutes, it's in my blood to want to parent him too. I put a dish that was clean into the sink filling it up with water so he would think I ate, before calling the rest of them out to eat.

"You ate already?" He asks coming out with Ceci, I take her from him setting her in her high chair.

"Yeah, I-I got hungry." I tell him, he furrows his eyebrows before sitting down on the table, Cesar comes running out hopping on his chair and practically inhaling his food.

"Thank you Nena" he says with a full mouth, I just giggle grabbing a napkin to wipe off his mouth.

"Why don't you ever eat with us?" Rafael asks

"I have to eat first so I can feed Ceci" I say in a smart tone, knowing I was lieing through my teeth right at this moment. He shrugs off what I said and continues to eat. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and give Ceci some day old mashed potatoes with corn.

She ate it all messily and happily, the boys finish their food and head to the sink to start washing dishes, I take Ceci to the bathroom to give her a bath.

Just as I was going to open the bathroom door it swings open and our mom comes stumbling out.

"You okay?" I ask with an eyebrow raised.

"Like you fucking care." She says shoulder shoving me out of her way. I ignore her and continue into the bathroom, it reeked of marijuana and cigarettes mixed with shampoo scents. I sigh giving Ceci a bath and taking her to the room to get her ready in her pajamas.

"What have I told you about changing that baby in my fucking room?" Mom yells at me, her hair was damp, and curly. She just washed it, she was applying her pencil drawn eyebrows.

"I just needed to get her clothes, calm down." I tell her, laying Ceci down, who was having a ball in giggling fits of laughter not a care in the world.

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