I'm Broken • Y.B.

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Yelena and I were cuddling on the couch just laughing, she had her arms wrapped around my shoulders as half of my body laid on her, my back to her front as we laughed at Adam Sandler on Grown Ups. I kept feeling her stare at me.

I look up at her to see she was smiling at me, lost in thought.

We're best friends, we have been ever since I joined the Avengers, thanks to Wanda who was my mentor at the time. Tony thought it'd be a great idea to have her mentor someone to bring them into the Avengers, as he did with Peter.

Wanda became a mother figure to me, I lived a rough life.

Abused by my father as a child.

Neglected, and ridiculed by my mother as an adult.

Chosen last, by my brothers.

But yet, I was still there to pick up all of their broken pieces. I still am, my grandfather who I adored and raised me asked me to be there for them.

He asked that of me before he passed. I was so broken, I hadn't seen him before, too busy with my own training and trauma I couldn't make time for him. So I vowed to glue my families broken pieces together.

Even if it meant I used some of my own.

My parents are divorced, and brothers couldn't really fend for themselves when it came to things such as understanding bills or needing help with things, despite the fact they were all older... and one is married.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask giggling.

"Nothing- I- uhm... it's just..." she started, I sat up to get a better look at her, she stared at me trying to find the words, her mouth was open a bit as she thought.

She looked down at my lips before looking back into my eyes, and back down. My breath hitched as she leant in, focused on getting to her destination.

I leaned in as well capturing her lips into mine. We kissed for a while before I quickly backed up, out of breath I stood up feeling worried and quite frankly a bit woozy.

"Hey, what's wrong? Y/n!" She yelled after me as I slowly walked to the front door, she stopped me grabbing my wrist and turned me around.

"Hey, talk to me." She says


"No what?"

"I can't, we can't... we can't do this." I say, all my emotions crashing down on me.

"What? Why not?" She asks

"I like you, you like me... why can't we do this? Y/n, come on." She encourages, grabbing my hand and playing with my fingers.

"I can't Yelena, you don't want me-"

"I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want you-"

"No, Yelena. You don't want me. Not after you find out how damaged I am, how broken. You won't want me."

"Okay? So? I'm damaged too, I'm broken too. We can fix each other-"

"Yelena, you don't get it. I can't be loved, I'll damage you even more, you need someone who will heal you- not someone who needs to be healed." I take my hand away from her.

"No, I don't need someone- I need you."

"You don't want to know all my broken pieces-"

"Yes, I do. You know mine-"

"No you don't." I say walking away now

"Yes I do!"

"No you don't! You don't want to know about me getting slapped around when I was five years old! You don't want to know the big remotes being tossed at my head when I was six! Or when I was punched in the face by the same hand that would hold mine! You don't want to know that!"

"Yes I do! I want to put you back together-"

"No you don't! Your just saying that! You don't want to know what broke me, what is still breaking me. Or how I have to put together my family just so we can be whole again, you don't-" I say with glassy eyes.

"But I do! Listen to me! I do! I want to be your tape and glue, I want to be there to help you through it all- I want to! You are so used to putting everyone else back together you've never let anyone put you back together!" She says staring at me as I stood to the side staring at the ground.

"You've used your own broken pieces to fill their voids, you've broken yourself even more to complete them."

"Then you know why I can't let you put me back together-"

"No. You don't get to pick who's there for you and who's not!"

"But I can-"

"But you can't!— I just- let me be here, let me help you. Please-" I just stare down having no words as hers spiraled in my mind.

"Baby, please." She says cupping my cheek, I flinched back but soon realized it was her, she noticed this and softly and gently cupped the other, I flinch again but only out of reflex.

"Don't... don't call me that." I whisper.

"Baby..." She whispers back

"Why?" I ask quietly, she leans her head against mine.

"Because... all your broken pieces... they fit perfectly with mine. No one will be able to hurt you, without hurting me too." She whispers, my chin lifts a bit before opening my eyes to see hers staring into mine.

She caresses my cheeks, and once again my breath hitches once more.

"You'll leave..." I whisper

"I'm too in love with you." She says, my eyes bounce back and forth between hers, to find the truth in them. She had her defenses down, she was telling the truth. I take a deep breath.

"I'm in love with you too." I say allowing me defenses to go down. For her.

Slowly I capture her lips into mine, they molded perfectly together as the kiss turned passionate, and deep. Before we allowed it to turn back to gentle. We separated and I stared into her eyes once again.

"Let me save you from your own destruction." She whispers

"Who will save you from yours?" I ask, although, I already knew the answer.

"I have no doubt you will allow me to come to my own destruction." She whispers back, I smile a bit before capturing her lips again in mine. This kiss was much slower, and much more gentle. When we separated I nodded.

"Just promise me one thing." I ask

She nods.

"Don't break yourself to save me."

"You don't have to worry... I'll break everyone else." She says.

Once things has calmed we laid back on the sofa of our floor. My face nuzzled into her neck as her arms laid protectively around me. I kiss her neck, I could practically feel her smile.

"You know, Alexei and Melina have been dying for me to make my move. They kept telling me. 'We want her as a daughter in law'" Yelena mimicked her moms voice, I giggled happily.

"They were practically my parents already, mine are pretty shitty." I say

"Now their going to be begging for us to get married." Yelena groaned

"I'd get married in a heartbeat." I say with a smirk

"You would?" She snaps her head towards me quickly

"Of course." I say

"Would you-"

"Not now." I say smiling laying my head onto her chest, she chuckles.


Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now