Book book book book

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Okay guys!! I have some good news and some bad news.
Good news is : im writing my first book!! I'm going to try to publish it myself, but I have already started working on the first chapter and would really love if you all could be apart of that process with me.

Bad news: I was planning on updating but with college, and writing and planning for this book, you guys are going to need to give me a bit more time as I AM planning on finishing these unfinished books and not leaving y'all hanging.

The book I'm writing is a bit familiar to you guys, it was one of my one shots!!

Can you guess which one??

So I need your guy's help!!

1. What names should I pick? I really am trying to go for names that start with A, K, C or L. Two names that are out will be Anahi and Kassidy.

2. I am really going back and forth on making this book a wlw, should I?

3. Do ANY of yall have any idea on how to make a cartoon cover? Like the book Collide, or Icebreaker, or Night Shift? PLEASE let your girl know.

4. Would any of you read it??

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26 ⏰

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