Mute • W.M. [v.1 / pt.1]

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3 years earlier.

I was currently with Tony at his press conference to becoming the 'iron man'. I had a lot of faith in my brother; and a lot of love.

"You can't stop bad things from happening Stark, you may have a suit but what about your baby sister right there..." a reporter questioned in a threatening tone.

When our parents died, I was born. Not exactly an orphan as my brother took full guardianship of me and still managed to make it through college and become a millionaire like our father while raising a baby girl.

"Is that a threat?" Tony asks feeling threatened

"It's an observation, no need to get defensive." The reporter says

"No one is getting defensive, but if you or any one lays a finger on my sister you won't live long enough to even see the red on my suit. So I would think twice, we're done here." He quickly says before grabbing my arm and pulling me away from flashing cameras and such.

"Tonster, it's okay. No one will dare mess with me." I giggle

"Say that now but-"

"But my brother is iron man, and there is no one better in this world that would avenge me better than him, can we go get some food now? I'm starving." I say he nods before nodding out the door.

"Head to the car, I am going to grab Pepper and Happy." He says, i nod taking his keys from him before walking out.

This would officially be the worst moment of my life as I was quickly grabbed and pulled into a back alley where the people who had taken me began to torture me in such a short amount of time, continuously taking turns raping me, beating me, and drenching me in gasoline.

Fortunately, before they could even get their match out to engulf the flames, Tony was in the sky. They quickly ran off, Happy found me while Tony dealt with the ones who decided to hurt me.

I was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, a few broken ribs as well as having bleeding in my lower region. In the hospital, I refused to speak. Actually, I hadn't spoken a word since then.

Tony asks me all the time if I could tell him what happened in order for me to go mute, but I keep quiet. I don't say a peep. I have given a few smiles here and there, but mainly my face remains stoic.

My brother has tried everything to get me to even let out a small giggle, but nothing works.

I only feel the toughness of the men's hands around me, on me. I feel disgusted and refuse to speak.

That was until now, my brother is now a full fledged Avenger, he refuses to let me out of his sight so I stay in the room with him. The team knows me pretty well already, Rhodes watches over me when Tony isn't around, like another big brother.

Pepper is the same.

Steve pays close attention and likes to bring time things I like such as my favorite candy he found out from Tony, blankets and pillows because he sees how I'm always sitting around with one. He shows his liking for me in gifts being I can't have conversations with him.

Natasha likes to take my hand and draw on it. She cuddles into me when I allow her too, Tony was shocked upon seeing this one day as i don't let anyone touch me since the incident.

Banner likes me to help him with projects, although I am not allowed to be in a room alone with him, Tony has to be present at all times, atleast only with Banner.

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