Protective • Y.B.

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[Third Person...]

"Y/n, what the fuck!" Tony yelled, you don't know what you did but it obviously pissed him off.

"What?" You ask him with a slight pout

"God! Can't you do anything right?! I told you to stay out of my fucking lab!" He yelled and screamed into your face.

"I wasn't in your stupid lab!" You yelled back, tears were forming in my eyes. The rest of the Avengers started to pile out into the lounge room as they began to hear you two fight.

"Stop with the lying! I can easily look into the cameras and I know I'll see you there! Go clean up the mess you made! God, why would anyone ever recruit you! Your annoying, you barely socialize, and your weak." He spat into your face like venom.

Tears formed into your eyes as you wanted to cry.

"Your powers barely even work half the time! We always have to call a code green because you can't seem to get it right!" He stepped closer, pointing a finger into your face, you could feel his breath on my face as you backed away.

"Tony, leave her alone." You heard Nat behind him, but he didn't back off.

"Tony, let her be. She's just a kid." Steve says

"Just a kid, my ass! Peter is just a kid, Wanda is just a kid, she's is a nuisance and if I had the power to, I would kick her to the fucking streets so the rats could take care of her!" Tony screamed, tears started to stream down your face.

"Tony... I'm warning you. Back off." Nat began to get protective, seeing the tears roll down your face.

"Or what? She won't do anything, she's weak! She can't even get killing herself right." He spat again, the words stung.

Suddenly a loud sob wracked my body as  you crumbled to the floor. Bad thoughts came to your head as you cried. Squeezing your eyes tightly shut, as you covered your ears with your hands.

Once you felt a soft pair of hands slowly taking your hands from your ears.

"It's okay, dorogaya... it's okay." You heard Yelena's voice, taking you into her arms.

The team just watched as soon as Yelena heard your loud undeniable sob from her bedroom, she sprinted into action. Natasha had already punched Tony in the nose.

"What was that for?!" He yelled at Natasha

Yelena quickly turned to see you in your fragile state, her heart wrenched as anger boiled in her. She quickly leaped towards Tony pummeling him, punching and kicking as he fell to the ground.

"Never. Touch. Her. Again." She seethed

"I didn't!" He yelled

Yelena didn't hear, she just knocked him out cold as Banner and Steve had to hold both girls back. Pietro quickly took Tony to medical.

Once he was gone Yelena was quickly at your side. Taking your hands from your head and bringing you into her embrace. She gently kissed your head.

"H-he said I couldn't even kill myself right." You sobbed into her

"He's stupid, he's so fucking stupid." Yelena seethed out, she was boiling with anger once again.

"Don't blame him." Steve suddenly said coming back into the room

"He's being mind controlled, h-he didn't mean it." Steve said informing you two why he had acted the way he did.

"I don't give a shit what he meant, if I see him about y/n again. I'm killing him." Yelena said slowly picking you up and bringing you to her room.

Nat just watched her sister as she cared for you. She knew her sister was in love.

Your cries finally subsided as you cuddled into Yelena.

"I love you." You admit to her

It made Yelena smile, with all of her teeth. Her heart fluttered, as she had a deep blush on her cheeks.

"I love you so much more, dorogaya." She admited, lifting your chin with her gloved hand and pecked your lips. Her lips were soft as rose petals, tasted like strawberries, as pink as tulips.

"No one will ever hurt you, my love." And you knew it to be true, no matter how loud you and Tony were arguing, it was tuned out by Yelena until she heard your sob.

Arguing back and forth was one thing. She knew if you were yelling back, you could handle yourself. But it's not until she hears a scream, a bang, or a sob that she leaps out of her bed to protect you from every being in the world.

Yelena pecked your lips again. Each kiss only got sweeter with her, she poured every ounce of her into the kisses she gave. Yelena loved touch, so kisses were her favorite. You never complained, it meant you were lathered in kisses and cuddles all day with her. Nothing could get better than that.

Especially when you were upset, Yelena would continuously kiss your lips, just innocent pecks every few seconds, until you felt better.

"I will protect you from the world, if I have to." Yelena says cuddling into your neck as you laid with your back pressed up against her front. Yelena laid with her back against the headboard. She pecked the inside of your neck so lovingly.

"You know I have powers... right?" You make a joke with her

"I could care less if you could shoot lasers out of your eyes and pick a car up, I will still protect you from anything bound to hurt you." She admits, you turn your head again she stares into your beautifully colored eyes longingly. You leaned in to give her a passionate yet loving kiss. Yelena smiled into it. The kiss lasted until you both ran out of breath, to which you caught it and went right back in for more before backing up. Her forehead pressed up against yours as she rubbed your noses together. Another loving thing she does.

"I love you till the ends of the earth, Yelena Belova."

"And I, you. Y/n Belova." She says

"That's not my last name." You mocked

"Yeah, well. From now on, it is. Get used to it, you'll be my wife one day. I know it." She says with a smug smile

"Well then, y/n Belova it is, my love." You tell her.

Then Yelena said something you didn't think she would.

"Let's go check on Tony." You looked at her questionably

"It wasn't his fault- and I don't want anything bad to happen to him- even if he is an asshole as times." She admits, you nod before lovingly kissing her once more and pulling away.

"Wait wait wait, just one more." Yelena said pulling you back in. You pulled away again.

"No, no, no, one more." She continues to say. You kissed her again.

But she doesn't stop, her one mores, became thousand mores because she couldn't get enough of your lips.


Hi loves! I got a request, this isn't it. But I will be making it, possibly tonight or tomorrow I'll start on it!

If anyone else has requests go ahead and message me or comment!!

Always the love, A.K. <3

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now