Officially, mine. • N.R.

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[Third Person...]

You and Natasha have always innocently flirted with one another. Whether is was at Avenger game night. Movie night, one of Tony's famous parties. It didn't matter, you two would always sneak in some flirting one way or another.

But tonight was different, Nat was being more dominant, more possessive and jealous with you.

You were at Tony's usual party he had every Friday night in his home.

Avengers were on the guest list, and by that I mean, it was mandatory for ALL Avengers to come. So that meant...

Guest List :

Peter Parker
Wanda Maximoff
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Quill
Clint Barton
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
James Buchanan - which Tony only put his full name to annoy him, otherwise known as; Bucky Barnes.
Scott Lang

And so on, and so on.

Scott was excited to be there, as was Peter Q., Peter Parker was angry there was another Peter there. Strange felt out of place and wanted to leave the minute he drove his car into the garage where all the Avengers parked their cars.

Bucky thought tonight would be the perfect night to try and see if his flirting was still A1. So who else better to try it on other than the famous, Y/n Torres.

Wrong choice.

"Hello, beautiful ladies." He said approaching you with all the other Marvel women.

"Hi, Bucky." Everyone said

"I just came over to ask, if y/n would like to join me to grab another drink... I'd like to speak to you, privately." He said with his smug smile.

But Natasha had her arm wrapped around you, and your around hers. Her hand gripped your waist and held you tighter, possessively.

"She's a little busy right now, Buck. Come back later." She said before taking a sip of her whiskey. Bucky ignored her and looked at you for an answer. You felt uncomfortable under his gaze and shifted back and forth on your feet.

"Uh- " but before you could answer, of course Bucky never went anywhere without his wingman. Steve came forward knocking your drink out of your hand 'accidentally'.

"Gah! Clumsy me! Now you have to grab another drink with Bucky. I'm so sorry!" He said in a fake apologetic voice. You felt annoyed and rolled your eyes getting out of Natasha's grasp as you left to the bar, Bucky following.

Steve gave a thumbs up to his best friend as he looked back, before continuing to follow you.

All the women glared at Steve, knowing full well Natasha had a thing for Y/n. Steve looked at them all with a smile before it was wiped off his face.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Your an idiot." Wanda started off before walking away.

The rest of the women all walked away muttering small insults to Steve as they did. Natasha stayed in her spot, watching you and Bucky speak.

She watched as he put an arm around your waist, and started whispering in your ear. She seen how you pushed his hands away but he continued to drunkenly grip your waist.

"Get your friend off of her." Natasha said to Steve.

"What? No! He's working his magic!" He said proudly watching his friend.

"He's making her uncomfortable." She retorts.

"No, she isn't! Look, look! See how she's gripping his wrists? That means she wants him." Natasha was becoming more enraged by the second.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now