Covid • n.r.

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Kind of like 'Diabetes type I' but different.
Haven't seen ANYONE not a single person write about Covid in their fanfics and I'ma do it cause I ain't apart of the crowd.

[Third Person...]

"Wanda hold her down!" Bruce yelled trying to stick the little cotton stick into your nose.

"I'm trying, god, when she's scared she really is strong." Wanda says trying to use her powers to hold you down.

"Wanda!" They hear Natasha angrily down the hall.

"Oh shit..." she said scared running to the other side of the room. Pietro comes into the room not a second later.

"Nat is here."

"Yeah, no shit. You were supposed to be look out!" Tony whisper-yells

"I tried! She seduced me." He whines before running next to his sister, next thing you know an angry Natasha is making her way into the room. Seeing you in full fledged tears as you were crying from being scared.

"You assholes." She grunted walking over to you

"Wanda let her go!" She yells, Wanda quickly retracts her powers and you immediately fall into Nat's arms.

"You okay, baby?" She asks you, you shake your head with an innocent pout on your face.

"Is she okay? She punched me!" Bruce argues

"Bruce, you're an idiot!"

"We just wanted to test her to see if she would come out positive or negative!" Tony defends

"You could have asked me! I would have did it myself, you guys can't just do stuff like this because you want to find a cure for this disease! If she's positive she isn't going to be your test subject and if she's negative, you had no right to do this!"

"Uh... i beg to differ." Thor interjects

"Cram it, muscles" Natasha points her finger at him.

"Okay, we're sorry. But can we at least test her? She has pneumonia in her left lung, if she's positive we won't do any tests on her... promise." Tony sticks his hand out to Nat. She looks at him with wary eyes before shaking it.

"Baby... they need to do it." You shake her head.

"Come on."

"No." You stomped your foot, Natasha quickly laid you down on the table and straddled your lap, pushing your arms down.

"Wanda hold her head still!" Nat yelled, Wanda used her powers to keep it as still as she could but you still fought against their hold enough to where they couldn't do it.

"Pietro, hold her head!" Pietro quickly ran his way over and grabbed your head keeping it even more still.

"Natty!" You cried

"I know baby, but It's for your own good." She says sadly, quickly Bruce stuck the stick in your nose, you start coughing from the pain, quickly stuffing it in your other nostril before running off to test the stick. Everyone let you go, and you whimpered going into a little ball.

Natasha quickly picked you up and cradled you in her arms while she waited. She allowed you to cuddle into her.

"Positive." Bruce sighed

"Shit, I knew we should have done it while Nat was in a mission." Natasha's head snapped quickly to Bruce.

"If you would have laid one tiny finger on her, I would have broke every bone in your body, just for you to transform into your shrek size and break every bone in his body too!"

"Yeah, well anything is better than not being able to create a cure!"

"I am so sure we want to trust the PhD that gave you your big green monster. I would have much rather had sent her to Asgard to the hands of Helga before allowing you to get your Frankenstein hands on her."

"Our sister would have done a tremendous job in healing her, actually..." Loki interjects next to Thor. Thor shrugs nodding in agreement.

"Stay away from her Bruce, or I swear the next person getting a stick stuck in them will be you, and it will not be up your nose."

"Too late, Brucee was born with a stick up his ass, anyways... here are some antibiotics and a bit of steroids to help her with the recovery process, can't give anything for pain at the moment, Loki hid all the pills." Tony shrugs. Loki rolls his eyes before taking a bottle of ibuprofen out of his pocket.

"Here. I, for one, enjoy the presence of your lovely girlfriend. She makes me feel as if I— well, as if I am more than just a nasty villain." You smile as Loki before sticking your finger out to him, not wanting to spread your germs.

He smiled widely before sticking his finger out as well touching yours.

"Do you trust him?" Natasha asks you, you look at her before nodding. Loki would never dare hurt you, no matter his desire for vengeance, his desire to protect you like a younger sibling was much stronger.

Natasha carried you to your room in the compound and laid you down on the bed. Petting your hair, you look at her tiredly before speaking.

"Natty, go to your room. I don't want you catching this."

"Are you scared?" You nod

"Then, I'm not leaving. Covid or no Covid, I am here to take care of you and give you lots and lots of cuddles." She smiled climbing into bed along side you. You took small little ragged breaths from the pain of breathing. Natasha looked down at you in worry, she grabbed the water on the bedside table and handed you some pills.

"Take these my love, they'll help you." You take them willingly before Natasha brought you into her arms and rocked you soothing you to sleep. Your fist wrapped into her shirt as you slept. She just watched your peaceful face.

Her eyes going from your eyebrows, to your eyelashes, to your button nose, to your pink and full lips. She couldn't resist but plant a few kisses onto your lips. They just looked too irresistible, you whimpered in your sleep.

"You're going to get sick." You mumbled, she shrugged

"If I get sick, I get sick." She smiles down at you.

"Go back to sleep, my love." Again you do as told and easily fall back to sleep. Natasha didn't dare turn on the tv till later that night, she just watched you sleep cradled in her arms.

She caressed your soft cheeks and chin. She pressed down your hair before allowing her fingers to outline your lips and jaw.

Natasha stayed up really late that night to be sure you were okay, making sure to give your medicine when needed and check on your breathing.

Tony, Steve, Wanda, and Pietro as well as Thor and Loki came to your door to keep her company as well as check up on you.

Loki and Thor brought the two of you loads and loads of snacks and drinks. Tony brought Natasha a few things to keep her occupied and gave her one of his credit cards to order food.

Wanda and Pietro would sit outside of the room for hours telling you stories although they knew you were asleep, they were your best friends. And they missed your presence.


Depending on how y'all like this one will determine whether or not there will be a Part 2 of this.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now