Wife? • N.R.

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I know I make a lot of Natasha one shots, and not enough Wanda, so be prepared for a few Wanda One shots before I get started with the rest of the requests.

: this takes place in the Captain America / The Winter Soldier timeline, enjoy.

[Third Person...]

Maria Hill had just took off her helmet showing her face to Sam, Steve, and Natasha.

"What the-?" Sam said before she told them she was one of the good guys, burning a hole into the vehicle and escaping through it, taking the sewer as a route to Fury.

"GSW she's lost at least a pint!" Hill says

"-maybe two." Sam adds

"Let me take her!" A guy running down the hallway says

"She'll want to see him first." Hill finished leading the team to Fury. They all look at her confused, until she opens a plastic curtain revealing a recovering Director Fury. All the looks on their faces were shocked.

Fury lifted his head.

"About. Damn. Time." He says

A little while after catching everyone up on what had been happening and the truth of everything, Hill gets a text message, then her phone starts to ring.

"Do you need to take that?" Steve asks

"Uh, I'll be a minute." She excused herself to the hallway. Where she answers the phone, putting it to her ear but immediately backing it away as you were shouting on the other side. She shut her eyes before speaking.

"Y/n..." she said gently

"Don't bullshit me, Hill. Open the goddamn door." You yelled into the phone, someone had tipped you off that Natasha had been hurt and hurriedly went to get you.

You were beyond pissed, your wife Natasha hadn't been home in a few days. She wasn't answering calls, or texts. Barely even left a note stating she had to lay low, which was utter bullshit to you.

Once the doors open you stomped your way towards where the team of three were talking to Fury. Hill tried to stop you and calm you down quickly.

"Y/n..." she warned

"Shove it, Hill." You spat shoving your way through a metal door, the three and Fury had moved to a different room where they sat around a table discussing the plan.

Everyone turned their way towards you, eyes widening. Natasha's eyes widened, and face paled as she seen your anger.

"Hi baby.." she said as innocently as possible

"Don't you 'hi baby' me, I am beyond furious with you!" You yelled ripping off the jacket that laid on her shoulders to inspect the gunshot wound that lay on her shoulder.

"How could you leave with just a fucking note?!" You said angrily

"I had to keep you safe, I couldn't lay low where we were, they would have found me... found you." She said sadly, you sighed before cupping her cheek.

"I can defend myself, you, however-"

"Am a trained assassin, and spy?" She smirked, you huffed with playful annoyance before leaning your head against hers.

"Never do that again, idiot." You mumbled

"I make no promises." She whispered with a smirk before leaning in and kissing your lips. Fury knew of you, so he just watched in amusement, seeing the cold hearted Romanoff turn into a puddle of love in front of you, as for Steve he was in pure shock.

When you separated from your wife, you spoke again.

"And don't think, I didn't see your little kiss in the mall." You raised an eyebrow.

"K-kiss? O-oh, yeah. That... that was just to not blow our c-cover." Steve stuttered out. You smirked his way.

"It better not happen again." You smirked his way before grabbing Natasha's chin just between a gentle and rough touch.

"Am I understood?" You raised an eyebrow, Nat's mouth was open slightly as her eyebrows were scrunched together, she nodded.

"Good" you smirked once more before leaning down and kissing her lips once more.

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Steve coughed awkwardly as the past conversation came to a halt with your arrival.

"Wife." She corrected, you sat in the chair next to her putting your arms around her waist as she leaned into your touch.

"And the conversation in the car?" Steve rose his eyebrow, calling out Natasha.

"Was purely for her enjoyment, she likes making big broad men flustered." You smirked, knowing exactly what Steve was referring to without having heard what was said in said conversation.

Fury laughed at you, you were his favorite.

"Can't keep a good man down, I see?" You said smugly toward Fury. Natasha looked at you and smiled. She finally felt safe again, in your arms. She snuggled her head onto your shoulder.

"I'm like a cockroach, you can't kill me." Fury said playfully to you. You chuckled at him.

"Natasha in the dog house, I see?" He comments on what you had said before. You smirked, as you seen Natasha giving him a warning glare, almost as a 'don't remind her' type of glare.

"If I wasn't pregnant, and if she wasn't hurt. She'd be in hell right now, she's lucky." You smirked

"Just admit it, it's only cause I'm cute huh?" Natasha said smugly lifting her head and bringing it closer to yours.

"That may also be a factor." You said pecking her lips once again.

"Speaking of which, how is little Samara Lena Romanoff?" Fury asked

"It's Samara Yelena Romanoff, and Stefan Alexei Romanoff now." You said, a spark in your eye appeared as you turned your face towards Natasha who had the biggest smile on her face.

"Twins?!" She said happily

"Twins. I went for another appointment in the days you were gone..." You whispered, Natasha smiled widely before bringing you into a massive kiss. You sighed into it, happy to have the other mother of your children back in your arms. Wounded, but safe.

"Now, if we want to keep those kids safe, we need to finish up this plan." Steve said quickly, now having a motive and more of a reason to help. He wanted to protect his best friend and her family. He barely knew Natasha at this point, but he knew she needed this, this family. She needed these children.

Natasha looked at him and smiled before going back into your arms and going back to the planning at hand.

The thought of her twins never leaving her mind. She was angry with herself for missing one appointment, but ecstatic to have not one but two children on the way.


I got this idea from rewatching Captain America The Winter Soldier

I thought it'd be funny to make it Where Nat's wife heard she was injured and stormed in there embarrassing her lmao!

I have an update for The Wrong Side Of Town, tonight!! I accidentally posted it, so if you seen it... no you didn't lol.

Love always, A.K. <3

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