You like me? • N.R.

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I have been wanting to tell y/n about my feelings for her for so long, but Tony and Steve will not allow me to do so. They claim her to be a liability, and distraction if we were to get together claiming I was a quote 'team leader' and needed to keep my mind right.

"You are a woman, Romanoff. Women get distracted easily." Tony said

"Not all women, Peggy hadn't." Steve tried defending me

"And you ended up in a block of ice for years." Tony retorted giving a right smile and lifting his eyebrows. Steve sat with no other words.

They had told me if I didn't agree with their decision they would force me to sign a contract and if I hadn't they would let Fury handle me.

But right now we were all huddled up in the common room laughing at y/n who seemed to be in such a goofy mood today, one of the things I loved about her.

"God, I like you so much." I said laughing as I wiped tears from my eyes, it was meant to be friendly but y/n had stopped laughing and stared at me longingly, with a smile on her face, everyone else except for Steve and Tony stared at the two of us expectantly. The two boys glared.

"Y-you do?" She asked

"Of course." I said lifting my cheeks a bit in my smile forming wrinkles around my eyes as I stared at her lovingly.

"But you don't love me?" She asked, a bit sad. She looked away as if she was acting unbothered. She then gives a fake chuckle as if to say it was a joke, but from her expression and reaction, I knew the question was real. I was about to speak up when Tony yelled.

"Y/n! Any plans for the holidays?" He asked being we were just a week away from Halloween.

"Uh- I don't know. Halloween? Maybe stay in, watch some scary movies. I don't celebrate Thanksgiving, and-"

"Why don't you celebrate Thanksgiving?" Wanda asked, we all looked at her expectantly

"I just- don't." She says awkwardly.

I wish so badly I could yell out to her.

I can't love you! Because Steve and Tony won't let me! God, i want to spend my whole life with you! Quit the Avengers and run away with you!

But I couldn't, Tony and Steve needed me as a leader. I couldn't just leave.

"Well, you have to celebrate Christmas! Kwanza? Dia de los tres Reyes, otherwise known as three kings day?" Steve asks

"I don't, I used to. But since my sister died, and our brother was killed. I found no reason to celebrate, I honestly have no one to kiss under a mistletoe or bake cookies with, watch Christmas movies in matching pajamas. It's really a lonely holiday for me." She mentions.

Then Tony had to open his big stupid mouth.

"Wanda's pretty lonely on that holiday too! Why don't you two, get together and celebrate? Be each other's mistletoe kiss!" He winks at his last comment towards her to which only causes me to glare at him.

"I think it'd be great for Wanda to do that! What do you think Wands?" Steve asks Wanda causing me to glare at him next as I continue to let the jealousy boil.

"Uh- I don't know... maybe Natasha-"

"Natasha is leaving this year to be with her family in Russia, you two will most likely have the compound to yourselves, old man is visiting Bucky, I'll be with Pep. It'll be perfect for you two, you can get a tree-"

"Actually, I was going to ask my family to come over here. A lot safer, they could meet y/n... and Wanda." I mention

"Yelena is actually really enthusiastic about meeting who she calls wiggly woos." I continue, making Wanda blush.

"Maybe your sister can be y/n's mistletoe kiss." Tony continues which makes me kick him out of reflex.

"Ouch!" He yells

"I think, y/n can choose her own mistletoe  kiss." I say out of jealous rage.

"I have someone in mind, but I don't think it's who Tony or Steve is thinking of." She says which makes my heart flutter as she looks up with her eyes at me, her eyes sparkling in their beautiful color.

"Oh! Y/n has a crush!" Wanda oohs' at her, causing her to blush hard, looking down.

"Is that true, y/n? Got your eye on a special someone?" Steve asks

"I mean- I don't know. Maybe? Hopefully by Christmas, one of us will make a move but for right now, I'm not saying anything. So yes? Yes, I do." She finalizes.

"They're lucky." I say, giving her a little smile as we stared into each others eyes from across the room before I excused myself out.

"If you'll excuse me." I say looking around before clapping my hands onto my knees and getting up and exiting. Once I got to my room I let out a big breath.

She has a hold on me.

I think I like it.


Hello! My brother is slowly recovering, and by slowly I mean, tiniest bits at a time.

I haven't worked since Monday, I've been helping my mom and at the hospital all week.

I am starting my Request book soon, so keep an eye out for it please! I am going to try and make a few chapters before uploading them! Guys I have one AU, that is the only one I will do. I want to make it clear from here on that I will not be doing -

• anything that cannot be romanticized (that is my genre of writing)

• reader under 18-19 years of age

• AU


• mommy!nat, mommy!wanda, or mommy!yelena, for the reason I cannot romanticize anything like that

I will do littles, or write upon autism, adhd or other mental illnesses.

I will write angst, fluff, and semi smuts (still trying to figure out if I want to do smut or not)

But yeah, so there ya go, here's your update, enjoy. :)

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now