Video Games • W.M.

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[Third Person...]

You just got your first Xbox and the boys were ecstatic, it meant one more person to play with them. You felt a little embarrassed and scared to play, being that they've all been playing much before you. But Bucky promised to teach you to play.

Right now you were currently in your room with Bucky at your side playing that said Xbox, you were all playing GTA, Grand Theft Auto. Everyone as in, Bucky, who was playing on a smaller screen. Tony, who was currently at home with Pepper. Steve, who had no idea how to play, in his room. Pietro, in the living room. And Peter, who was currently at his apartment with Aunt May.

Bucky kept putting his hands over yours to show you how to play.

Your girlfriend Wanda would come in every so often to check on you, but you were so entranced into the game, and Bucky's teachings, you paid no mind.

Wanda would see Bucky put his arm over your shoulder to help you with your controller. She would watch as he'd lay his hand on your waist when you no longer needed his help with said controller, and she'd watch when he tried to subtly put his hand on your upper thigh.

You paid no mind to him either, so entranced into the game, you didn't hear Natasha screaming you name.

"Y/n!" She yelled, Wanda beside her.

You took off your big headphones to see what she needed.

"What?" You asked as you kept your thumbs moving, and your eyes on the screen. Bucky paid no mind to them, trying to correct your hands again with the controller, putting his arm around your shoulder again.

Wanda clenched her fists to contain her raging jealousy at the sight.

"You training today or not?" Natasha asked

"No, It's Bucky's turn." You said slyly, Bucky looked at you in annoyance.

"No, It's not!" He bickered

"Yes it is."

You both bantered on for a minute until Bucky grabbed you by the waist and lifted you onto his lap to tickle you. You felt very uncomfortable in This position, but pretended to laugh it off.

Natasha had already walked off with irritation written clearly on her facial features.

"Buck, i think it's time y/n gets off the game." Wanda said trying her best to keep her calm.

"Ah, come on Wands, y/n is a grown adult. Let her live alittle." Bucky retorted. Your eyes widened at his words and quickly got off his lap.

"No Buck, i think my girlfriend is right, it's time for you to head out." Wanda smiled at this. You smiled politely at him, hoping he'd get the hint. He did not.

"Are you serious? You going to let Wanda tell you what to do? It's Friday night, we were having fun!" He yelled immaturely.

"Buck, come on. We'll play again later, I want to give my girlfriend some us time." You tried to keep a sweet voice. Grabbing Wanda's hand in the process of getting Bucky to leave.

"Y/n, just one more game. You were getting-"

"She said she didn't want to play anymore, what part of 'no' don't you understand?" Wanda asked him angrily, you knew she was agitated so you put your other hand on the one you were holding, having it in both hands. You rubbed her hand, and kissed it. This action calmed her down immediately.

"Alright, just let me get my stu-"

"Already done." Wanda said with a smug smile, she had just snapped her fingers and Bucky's Xbox was already back in his room.

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now