Sneaking Around - W.M (V. I)

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V.I = Version One

Wanda and I had been seeing each other for a while now, I want to say for about two weeks. We've been sneaking around in the middle of the night, having wild sex and cuddling.

But tonight was different, she invited me to her room and I laid down on the bed with my back against the headboard, she just wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head on my stomach. I rubbed her head and played with her hair which relaxed her.

She held onto me like you would when you sleep with a big pillow or a teddy bear. It was beyond adorable, someone who could cause so much damage to a city was here cuddling with me and I know she wouldn't dare lay a finger on me. Not because I was dangerous as well or more powerful than her, in which I wasn't. But because... well, I don't know why.

But soon she fell asleep after a while of talking and she stayed in that position the whole time, a few times lifting my shirt a bit to lay a kiss on my stomach which only gave me butterflies.

She woke up a bit after peeling her off of me and she spoke.

"Where you going, babe?" She asked with a new nickname for me

"I'm going to my room, I'll see you in the morning." I tell her, laying a kiss on her forehead. It was long and loving.

She sighed, almost like she didn't want me to go. I could practically feel her wanting to say for me to stay.

But I still snuck out, I quietly opened her door and slipped out. When I got onto the other side of the door, there was Nat who was coming out of Sharon's room?

"Uh- I-" I stuttered

"She- I- we-" she stuttered

Then we hear another door open and watch as Bucky walks out of Maria's room. His eyes widen at sight of us, on the other side of us we hear yet another door open and we look over to our side to see Tony walking out of his shared room with Pepper along with... Steve.

"Did you two have a three-?" Nat started but Steve lifted his hand to stop her as I busted out laughing.

"No, really Natasha? No! Ew! Disgusting, if I'm having a threesome it definitely won't be with Captain tight ass here." Tony exclaimed, but then he looked at everyone standing at our respective doors for a minute before his eyes widened and his smirk showed.

"Those aren't your rooms." He pointed out smirking

"I-we- what were you guys doing then?" I stuttered, lifting my eyebrow at the question.

"Speaking about the last mission when you and Wanda- hold on. Don't change the subject! What are you doing at this time of night outside of Wanda's door? And you- Sharon. And you- Maria?" Tony asked, we all looked at each other dumbfounded and lost of words.

Tony laughed before patting Steve's back.

"Ah, good night capsicle." He said laughing, Steve walked away chuckling a bit as well. Soon after they both left to their own rooms, the three of us all looked at each other. I was the first to open the door and slip back into Wanda's room.

"Baby?" She said groggily

"I'll just stay here tonight." I tell her climbing under the blanket, it was like a magnet she attached herself to me as soon as I laid down. She laid her head on my chest as she wrapped her arms around my waist. She sighed in content.

"You seen the others sneaking around, didn't you?" She asked with a bit of a chuckle

"Yes" I laughed.

She cuddled into me more before resting her face in the crook of my neck, kissing the skin there.

"I love you..." she said, I smiled at the words before responding.

"I love you more." I pull her in closer and lay a kiss on her lips before falling asleep. I rubbed her arms to warm her up before falling asleep.

How'd I get so lucky?

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