Trouble Making Besties • w.m.

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[Third Person...]

You and Pietro were best friends way before you and Wanda had gotten together, he was the Ernie Cardenas to your George Lopez.

Always being pulled by the ear by Wanda. Always wreaking havoc everywhere you go with him.

Right now you two were bouncing on a trampoline... on the edge of the roof of the Avengers compound.

"Wanna see a flip?" You ask your best friend.

"Bet you won't do it on the edge of the tramp."

"Oh your on!" You yelled you got to the edge and began jumping, ready to do a flip when Wanda yelled.

"Don't you dare!" You looked at her with wide eyes before jumping back towards the middle.

"Ha! My sister scared you!" Pietro teased you before he was thrown off the trampoline towards the ground of the rooftop.

"Ow!" You quickly got off running to greet your girlfriend.

"Hi baby." You said happily kissing her lips.

"Hi, my baby." She greeted back with a smile.

"So Pietro and I were thinking-"

"No." She said plainly.

"But you didn't even hear me out!" You whined

"I listened to the part of 'Pietro and I were thinking' and no. Nothing good ever comes from you and Pietro putting your ideas together. No. End of discussion." She says

"But baby-"

"What did I just say?" She sternly looks at you, you pout before Wanda drags you inside to wash up being you and Pietro had practically made a mess of yourselves causing dirt to be all over your face and clothes.

"Can't you at least hear me out?" You whine as you stood in the shower with a naked Wanda in-front of you helping you clean off.

"Baby, we are naked in the shower. I really would not like to think of my brother right now." She sighs before going to wash her own hair.

You waited a few minutes after you dressed and laid down. You were now cuddling together in bed with your legs tangled together. Your head resting on her chest, Wanda's hand in your hair messing with it as she read her book. You were currently laying with shorts and a long t shirt as Wanda had on a pair of sweats and a tank top. Pietro walked into the room with a devilish but innocent smile. You thought now was the perfect time to bring it back up.

"But baby I really think-" you started.

"No!" Wanda said annoyed, slapping your bum with the same hand that was in your hair.

"Ugh, baby!" You whine

"Piet you had to come in now when we're cuddling!" Wanda complained.

"I didn't do anything!" He defended

"But baby..."

"God, I said no, y/n." Wanda says sternly once more.

"But baby!" You whined

"I swear to god, y/n. If you whine one more time." She warns

"What are you going to do?" You smirk

"I'll... take away your laptop." She raises an eyebrow

"I need my laptop for mission reports." You smirk back.

"Then I'll take the tv out of our room." She shrugged

Nat x Wanda x Yelena One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now