D.M when Y/n is stressed about school

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     This was requested by Emxlyy15 . Here ya go!

     Stress is something that everyone feels at some point. Eating you up alive, knowing how much you have to do, but not being able to do it.

     This is how you felt.

     It was your last class of the day, potions. Stress had been overwhelming you, having to complete a star chart for astronomy that was due tommorow, study for a History of Magic test in 2 days, and you couldn't for the life of you get the transfiguration spell right. To top it all off, you barely slept last night, only falling a sleep with your head on your desk, while trying to study.

     You thought that when class ended, you would be able to get to your dorm and finish some work, without making your boyfriend suspicious.

     As much as you loved Draco, you didn't want to bother him with your problems, knowing he had enough going on with his family.

    But no, of course Snape had to go and assign an essay before he dismissed the class. Tears brimmed your eyes as you stuffed you supllies in your bag and pace out the door.

     Draco didn't get a glimpse of your face, but he could tell something was off by your body language. He walked after you, trying to keep up with you but not allow you to know he was following you.

     When you got to your dorm, you slammed the door shut and took a seat on your bed, finally allowing the tears to fall. You knew you should start working but you were overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done.

    Draco arrived at your dorm, he knocked on the door. He heard a faint " Come in". So, he entered, only to be met with the love of his life crying. He rushed over to your bed, sitting on it and pulling you closer, hugging you while you were basically straddling him.( not like that you dirty minded people)

     As you cried in his shoulder, he drew circles on your back, whispering conforting words-

     "I'm here darling."

     " I got you."

     " There's no need to cry m'love."

     Once your sobs turned into small sniffles, he asked, " Why are you crying darling?"

     When you explained to him how stressed to had been feeling, he immediately had an idea on how to help, " Why don't we work on everything, I gotta do that stuff aswell, so we can do it together. We can go up to the astronomy tower afterwards like we normally do, to finish up your chart, yeah?"

    You nodded, and Draco got up and got your books, and y'all studyed together. Once it turned night, he brought you up to the astronomy tower,  and helped you with you star chart. Once finished, you both sat there as he pointed different constellations.

     You soon fell asleep on his chest, his heart beat and sooting voice making you drift off. He only realized when he asked you a question and didn't recieve an answer.

     " Can you guess what star that is. Love? Y/n are you even liste-" he looked down and saw your head on his chest, lips parted and eyes closed. He chuckled as he picked you up and brought you to his dorm.

     He respectfully changed you into one of his hoodies, then put you in his bed, covering you up with the blanket. He got in next to you, big spooning you as he quickly feel asleep.


I went a little over board with this but I hope you like it <3

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