Y/n when Sirius Runs Away

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Another request by the lovely JulzLovDraco4Eva.

You and Sirius are 'friends' in this. Enjoy!


Y/n Evans.

Lily Evans twins sister.

The two of you were very close and did almost everything together. ( I just realized this is like a female version of Fred and George, red headed twins.)

You and her shared a passionate loathing for the Mauraders.

That was until, in first year, the 4 of them protected you from Lucius when he was bullying you for being a muggleborn.

This cause you to get quite close with them, especially Sirius, who seemed to have similar interests as you.

Lily also got to know them better, mainly with a certain Raven haired boy with the last name Potter.

Now it was 5th year, and you and Lily were on your way to Jame's house to spend Christmas with him, his family, and the rest of the Mauraders.

When you entered, you were bombarded with Remus and Peter hugging you. James hugged Lily first.

" As lovely as this greeting is, I kinda need air."

"Sorry y/n!"

" Don't worry about it Peter, I was just joking," you said laughing.

Your eyes darted around the living room, " Where's Siri?"

" Worried about him, are you," James teased with a smirk.

" Answer my question, Potter."

" Well, he said he might be here, but his parents might be stopping him," he answered truthfully.

A frown fell upon your face, "Ok."

Remus noticed this, " Hey, don't worry about him, I'm sure he's good."

" Yeah I know, it's just- you know how is parents are"

" Why don't we keep our minds off of it. Wanna make chocolate chip cookies," James asked.

"Hell yeah!"


The cookies just came out of the oven and were now cooling off, when a knock came from the door.

You and James rushed to answer it, basically racing. When he reached it first, he stuck his tongue at you and opened the door.

There stood Sirius Black, hair messy and suitcase in hand, blood dripping from his mouth and a bruise forming on his cheek.

A gasp came from you mouth and Peter rushed upstairs to get Mr. and Mrs. Potter.

Mia rushed downstairs,  Fleamont following quickly behind. Taking Sirius's shoulder, they carried him upstairs, leaving 5 distressed and anxious teens downstairs.

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