S.B and a friends to lovers

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Requested by the lovely -whiteflcwers


Friends since 11, you and Sirius Black were basically attached at the hip, along with James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew.

You were close to James and Peter, but much closer with Remus and Sirius.

Remus was basically like a protective brother. He watched out for you and your health, and always made sure you were alright when he sensed something was off.

Your relationship with Sirius on the other hand, was very different. He was protective of you, but not only in a 'don't want you to get hurt' way, but also a 'i don't want anyone to touch you but me' type of way.

"You know what, love?"

"Siri, I told you to stop calling me that," you said.

"And I told you to stop calling me Siri, so I guess neither of us are getting what we want. Anyway, I was gonna say that shirt brings out your eyes."

"Thank you, Siri," you thanked, ignoring the glare he sent you. "I think everything brings out your eyes."


Remus hit James in the arm, "No! Their will be no snogging."

Sirius raised his eyebrows. He slyly slipped his arm around your shoulder and looked at Remus and smirked, "And what if we did, Moony?"

It was your turn to gasp and hit Sirius on the arm, "Sirius!"

"Just saying," he shrugged.

Jamed turned to Remus as you and Sirius argued. He whisper, "Just let it happen, Remus. They'll get together soon enough."


"You're looking a little cold over there, love."

You rolled your eyes at the name, not even bothering to scold him for it. Nonetheless, you nodded and wrapped your arms around yourself to attempted to keep yourself warm.

"Hmmm," he thought allowed. "I can't have my best friend freezing to death, now can I."

He pulled you closer, took his leather jacket off, and wrapped it around your shoulders.

"That should be better," he stated.

"Aren't you gonna get cold?"

"Nah, I'm tough enough to handle some wind."

A few minutes went by as you both sat in silence, before Sirius spoke up, "Nope, nevermind, it's cold."

He grabbed your hand and started dragging you into the castle.

"You wanna sneak into the kitchens for hot chocolate?"

"Yess," you exclaimed, speeding up so that you were the one pulling him instead of the other way around.

You both ran threw the hallways until you arrived at the kitchen entrance. You tickled the pear on the portrait and walked in.

You hopped up on the counter as Sirius got you both got chocolate. He jumped up next to you and handed you your's, nodding at you when you thanked him.

Once again, you sat in a comfortable silence, only the sound of your feet tapping against the kitchen counter could be heard.

"Hey, love," Sirius started, ignoring the glare you sent him before you looked at him normally again. "Remember when James said we should get together?"


"Do you think we should?"

"Well, we kinda act like we're together anyway," you said, causing you both to chuckle.

"But we're not together," he stated.

"But we could."

"Well then, would you like to be my girlfriend, love?"

"You asked me out, and then followed it by a couple's pet name. I think that you think we're already dating," you joked.

"Soo.... Yes?"

"Oh for Salazar's sake," you complained, before grabbing his tie and smashing your lips onto his.

It sureal to him, finally doing the thing he's wanted do for forever.

It was as if parts of his heart, his love, was traveling from him, through your connecting lips, and into you.

I guess this means you'll always have a piece of his heart.


That end tho-

Sorry this took forever, to get out lol, I've been so busy it's not even funny

Love y'all, make sure to take care of yourself <3


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