Dating Ronald Weasley

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Requested by myself because inspiration struck at midnight :)


Why do I feel like Ron would LOVE skating? Idk it just fits yk

If you didn't already know how to skate, he would hold your hands to help you balance on the board while he taught you how to. If you know how to skate, this dude would be ecstatic!

He would force you to go night skating with him. Not only to hang out with you and skate, but to see how the moonlight made your eyes shine and the smile on your face.

We all know Ron is the master at chess, and he adored when you would play with him

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We all know Ron is the master at chess, and he adored when you would play with him.

The two of you would sit in the common room, sometimes in the middle of the day, sometimes at midnight. The fire crackling and your both sitting on the floor playing chess.

He found it cute when you got angry at him for winning, but he also found you cute when you were happy because you won. He just thought you were cute all the time tbh.

He would sometimes loose on purpose if he knew you were having a bad day and he wanted to brighten it up.

Matching frickin sweaters

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Matching frickin sweaters.

Of course, he loved when you wore his, but liked it even better when you both wore matching.

When you started dating, Molly absolutely knitted you a Weasley sweater. Ron could stare at you all day when you wore it, he thought you look beautiful in it.

He would walk around Hogwarts, holding your hand and wearing matching sweaters. Just to show everyone that you were his and he was your's.

 Just to show everyone that you were his and he was your's

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COULDN'T ME *nervously sweats

Family means alot to Ron, so when Molly told him to bring you to the Burrow of Christmas, he was both nervous and excited.

So there you both sat on the Hogwarts Express, holding each other hand while Ron told you, more of warned you, of what to expect. You know, the craziness that takes place with 10 people in a house.

Ron took both of your trunks in one hand, and your hand in his other. You exited the train and spotted Ron's family. You had met Ginny, George, Fred, and Percy, but you knew there were two others and then his parents.

"Hey, Mum. Hey, Dad," Ron greeted as Molly pulled him into a hug. When she let go and moved away from, she saw you and immediately gave you a hug aswell.

"Hello Y/n! Ron's told us so much about you, I'm glad you came over."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Weasley, thank you for inviting me," you said politely, wanting to make a good impression of yourself to your boyfriend's parents.

"Oh, call me Molly, dear. Your family now," she said lovingly.

The four of you, plus Ginny, George, and Fred, all apparated to the Burrow. You quickly met with a cramp and disorganized, yet homie and warm feeling house, as well as three other red heads. You knew one was Percy, meaning the other two were Charlie and Bill.

"Hello, Y/n," Percy greeted.

"Hi, Percy," you greeted back as he made his way upstairs.

"So this Y/n! I'm Charlie. I'm glad you came over," he said and then lowered his voice to a whisper to say, "Honestly, I don't know what I would've done if I had to go a whole Christmas hearing Ron droning about how beautiful your hair is and how warm your smile is."

You both laughed and looked over at Ron, who heard the whole thing and was now blushing profusely, " Shove off, dragon boy."

He walked to the kitchen where Bill was seated. On his way, he stopped by you, leaned down and whispered, " You do have pretty beautiful hair though."

Bill got up from his seat and walked towards you. "Hello, Y/n. Bill Weasley, oldest of the Weasley clan," he bowed down jokingly.

"I'm still better looking though," George appeared.

"No, that's definitely me," Fred argued.

"Ahem," Ginny interrupted, eyebrows raised.

"Shhh, Ginny. The big kids are talking."

You stood there, smiling and laughing.

This was your boyfriend's family, and you were absolutely loving it.


So... I know that was a Ron imagine, but I'm such a simp for all of the Weasleys lol

Sorry for the lack of chapter Sunday. I've been super busy and I have quarter tests next week and mid-term exams the next. Love that for me (-_-)

Love you, humans. Have a wonderful day/night <3


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