C.D on Valentine's day

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Valentine's day special!

I made these for 7 characters so enjoy lol


Cedric is- well I mean, he's Cedric. He's the biggest gentleman and is the most respectful and kind person you will ever find. So, it shouldn't be a surprise that he went all out for Valentine's day.

When you finished classes that day and went up to your dorm, you were met with Cedric standing in the middle of your room floor.

He wore a black suit and a white tie and held a rose in his hand. He bowed down and outstretched his hand to give you the rose.

Your eyes went wide and, with a smile on your face, you took the rose from his hand and brought it to your face to smell.

"Thank you, Ced," you thanked, standing on your toes and kissing him on the lips.

"No need to thank me, princess. Now come on, I have something planned."

"Ced, I'm not even dressed nicely," you said as he grabbed your hand and started walking out of the common room.

"I don't really care, to be honest. You still look stunning."

Your face turned a light shade of pink and your smile grew larger. He stopped somewhere outside, went behind you, and covered your eyes with his hand.

He lead you softly forward, his hand over your eyes and his other hand on your waist guiding you through tall grass and flowers.

"Ready, princess," he asked, coming to a stop and moving his other hand to your eyes so that each hand was covering each eye.



Uncovering your eyes, he ran in front of you quickly outstretched his hands like an actor.

A yellow and white checkered blanket layed on the grass, each corner being held down by a vase of flowers.  A woven, brown basket sat in the middle.

A gasp escaped your lips and your eyes sparkled with excitement, " Thank you, Ced."

You rushed up and wrapped your arms around his abdomen, his arms going around your waist not a millisecond later.

"My pleasure, now sit down so I can give you your gift."

You both sat down in the blanket across from each other.

"You want to give me mine first, or do you want me to give you yours?"

"I'll give you mine first," he answered, reaching into the basket and pulling out a box, and handing it to you.

You reached out for it and opened it slowly, your jaw dropping at the silver necklace with name the name cedric on it.

"I thought it would be cute if we had matching ones," he stated, pulling his from under his shirt. It was also gold but instead, it read y/n.

"I love it! Thank you so much," you thanked and put the necklace on. "Your turn."

You pulled a small box from your pocket and handed it to him with a smile on your face.

He opened it and slightly opened his mouth in amazement. Inside was a golden ring, shaped as a snitch, with you and his initials together with a plus in the middle.

His mouth stayed agape as he slid it onto his finger.

"Thank you so much, darling," he said. He took your hand and pulled you up so you were both standing.

Grabbing your chin, he tilted it up and smiled at you. He kissed you on the lips softly, his hands in your waist and your arms over his shoulders.

"Happy Valentine's Day, princess."


I've been waiting to right a Cedric imagine so that I could use the pet name Princess tbh-


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