T.N when you Draw a Picture of him

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An imagine requested by b1tchcrxft. If you want a different prompt, feel free to ask, this is just the first thing that came to mind


Theodore loves your art so much.

Whenever he was bored, he would flip through your sketchbooks and stare at the pretty paintings and drawings that were hung up on your wall.

It was a rainy, Saturday afternoon and Theo and you were hanging out in the common room with Draco and Blaise.

Your back was pressed up against his side as you leaned against him. A sketchbook sat on your knees. You sketched away as the three boys talked, adding to the conversation every once and a while.

Theo realized you looking up at him every few minutes, but didn't think anything of it.

Draco caught sight of the drawing as you were putting your signature on it.

"What's that, Y/n," he asked.

You lifted it up towards Draco so he could see, the blonde haired boy widened his eyes in shock.

"That's really good," Blaise commented, as he was sitting right next to Draco. (Kinda ship it ngl)

"Let me see."

You turned it around so Theo could see it.

He stared at the perfect sketch of himself. It was an exact replica down to the eyes shading to the fly aways in his hair.

"Damn- that's fucking perfect."

"Watch your language, Theo."

"Shut the hell up, Draco. Let me praise the fucking masterpiece."

"Yeah, let him compliment me," you joked.

The four of you laughed for a moment until Blaise spoke up.

"Will you draw me?"

"Of course!"

Theo turned to you, "Darling?"


"Can I keep the drawing? So I can hang it up in my room."

"Sure," you replied, carefully tearing the drawing out of your sketchbook and handing it to him.

"Thanks, love. Love you."

"Love you, too."

"Ew, love is gross," Draco gagged.


That was hella short but I don't know how to write him so....... Sorry

Love you all (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )


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