T.R when he hexes you in an argument

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Requested by Idkwhy123456789idk

trigger warning: there's the s slur in this, so if that's triggering to you, please don't read this <33


Tom is super protective and gets jealous very easily. And on top of it, he doesn't have too much control of his temper and the things he does when he gets mad.

The two of you were arguing in your dorm over you asking another guy a question about the homework. You didn't see a problem in it, but Tom obviously did.

"Why couldn't you have asked me," he yelled.

"Because you weren't in the library at the time and I needed to finish the essay," you shot back.

"You could've just come and found me!"

"Or, so I don't have to waste my time climbing down all the stairs, I could've asked the dude who was at the table next to me," you explained exasperatingly, realizing that the argument was stupid.

"Honestly, it's like you don't even want to date me anymore," he stated.

"I never said that," you told him. "There's no point in arguing about this, Tom. It's already done, and yelling at me isn't going to fix anything."

"You're a $lut, you know that," he yelled once more, turning and walking towards the door.

You grabbed his arm before he could leave the room,"Don't say things you don't mean, Tom."

"Let go of me, Y/n," he spat.

You furrowed your eyes at him as tears glossed over your eyes. You didn't let go of the grip you had on his arm. You couldn't process the fact that he really wasn't going to apologize like he normally did.

That's how it always went. He would yell something he didn't mean, then he would realize what he said and apologize. You know he never meant what he said when he was angry at you, but this time, it felt like he really did mean it.

"I said let the fuck go," he hissed, but you still stared at him heartbroken.

He scowled and grabbed his wand from his pocket quickly.

And before you knew it, he sent a hex towards your hand, making the palm that was grabbing him burn.

You retracted it quickly and clutched it to your chest, the tears that glossed your eyes before now flowing down your face. Crimson burn marks covered your hand and slightly past your wrist.

Tom stared wide eyed at you, looking at you tear coated face to your burnt hand.

"Fuck," he groaned. "I didn't mean to do that, I swear y/n."

He reached out to you, only for you to flinch back and your hands began to shake.

"Y/n," he started, but was interrupted by you pushing past him and running out the door.

He didn't make any move to follow you, knowing that you wouldn't want to see him.

He stood there, dumbfounded at the fact that he hurt the person he truly loved.

He had screwed up the only love he ever had.


For part two- does y/n forgive him or not. or should i make two alternate endings? lmk what you think

i hope you know that i love each and every one of you beautiful humans <33


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