N.L on Valentine's Day

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★another one★


Neville is romantic and everything, but he didn't want to make a super big deal about Valentine's day.

So you both sat under a tree in the courtyard, making flower crowns for each other.

"Here you go, flower," he said. He gently placed a crown made of daisies on your head, a cute smile on his face. "A crown for the queen."

"I suppose that makes you my king," you placed a crown made of poppies on his head.

His smile grew bigger, "I guess it does, doesn't it?"

"Mhm! We shall conquer the kingdom of life," you joked."

"Very poetic, love," he stated.

You both laughed, you digging your head into his shoulder to stifle them.

"Would you like your gift now," he asked once you both stopped laughing.

"Only if you let me give you your's afterward."

"Of course!"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bracelet. He took your hand softly and slipped the bracelet on.

It was a simple silver bracelet, but it had a few charms on it. A few of them showed flowers, one had Neville's name.

"Every year on Valentine's day, I'll give you a new charm. A flower, or something special like that."

"I love it, Nev," you exclaimed, tackling him with a hug.

He chuckled as he hugged you back, before sitting back down with his arm around your shoulders.

"I'll be right back, I hid your present behind a tree over there," you jumped up and ran towards the tree as Neville watched in amusement.

You picked up a big box from behind the tree and walked cautiously back to him, careful not to drop the box.

Plopping back down next to him, where his arm went back to its place on your shoulder, you slid the box towards him.

He smiled as he opened it, his jaw slightly dropping at the contents of the box. He pulled out the present and set it in front of him.

It was a light blue flower pot, with his name on one side and yours on the other. The names were painted in white, and light pink hearts were on each side of your names.

"Darling! I love it so much, thank you," he exclaimed, almost loud enough to be considered shouting.

"I was thinking we could plant something together since you've been teaching me the right way to do it."

"Thank you so much," he thanked again, kissing you passionately on the lips.

"It's my pleasure, Nev."

"You know how we can end this on a perfect note," he asked with a smile on his face.

"Ice cream!?"

"Yes! Let's go," he pulled you up by your hand and ran to the kitchen with you.

I don't know about you, but that seems pretty perfect to me.


The hours I have spent writing all of these for y'all ✋

But as -whiteflcwers  once wisely said, I am here to feed y'all's hp addiction (╥﹏╥)

Love you all


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