Mornings with T.N

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imagine for faerylustre

literally love her, you should go read on her oneshot book


Mornings with Theodore were your favorite. They were calm, peaceful, and loving.

Theo woke up on a Saturday morning, with his arms around you, as your back was pressed into his chest. ( BIG SPOON)

He felt a bit bad seeing as he kept you up all night to watch a few new movies with him, and he knew you would be exhausted this morning. Luckily, it was a weekend, meaning the two of you could lay in bed as long as you wished.

He stayed completely still when you shifted in arms and turned over to where your face was towards his, instead of away from his.

Your eyes opened and he looked into them lovingly, pulling you closer to him and allowing you to place your head on his chest.

"You still tired, darling?"

He felt you nod your head into his chest.

"You can go back to bed if you wanna."

Once again, he felt you nod. Within a few minutes, your snores filled the room and peace took over the atmosphere.

A few hours later, you awoke again, less tired than you were before.

"You awake for good now," Theodore asked.

You yawned, "Yeah."

He waved his wand and food from the kitchens appeared in front of you.

"Don't get my bed messy," he joked.

"Says the messiest cleaner ever," you shot back, laughing.

"You wanna watch another movie?"

He burst out laughing when you glared at him.

"What if I read to you?"

He laughed again when he saw your eyes light up, "Yes please!"

"Got it, love. You can go back to sleep while I read."

"Sounds good to me," you stated, cuddling into him once more.

"I love you so fucking much, did you know that?"


i'm giving up on making these long, y'all are just gonna have to deal with them being short

also, this is my 50th imagine! wtf! i love you all


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