M.M on Valentine's Day

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This one's for you bestie -whiteflcwers


"Of all the places for a date, you pick the Quidditch pitch," you asked.

Marlene was taking you, basically dragging you, to the Quidditch pitch for a picnic date. It was meant to be a surprise, but she had gotten excited a few days prior and let it slip.

"Yes, Y/n! It'll be fun."

"I know it will, I'm just teasing you."

"I hate you," she said as you both came to a stop at the picnic.

"No you don't," you pecked her lips. " You love me."

"I don't know if I should say fortunately or unfortunately," she joked.

You gasped and grabbed your heart in fake hurt. Pretending to faint, you fell onto the picnic blanket, Marlene sitting by you.

"You wound me, McKinnon."

"Will a present and a cupcake make it better?"

You sat up quickly with a smile on your face,"I suppose so."

She handed you a cupcake and ate one herself, handing you two papers when you were done.

You took the papers and read them over. Your eyes went wide and you looked at Marlene.

"Marlene," you said warningly.

She shrugged and looked at you innocently.

The first paper was tattoo paperwork, an empty line for a signature. The second paper had a picture of matching tattoos. ( You can pick what they are)

"Marlene," you repeated.

"Y/n," she mocked. "I'm paying for us to get matching tattoos."

"Tattoos hurt though."

"You'll be fine. You can hold my hand if you need to."

You both laughed before you handed her a very small box. She opened it and looked at you in confusion.

"No offense or anything, they're very pretty. But why the fuck did you get me hair clips?"

"They're not just hair clips, dumbass, "you rolled your eyes. "Put one in your hair."

You took one and put it in your hair, and Marlene did the same. With Marlene still looking at you in confusion, you got up and ran to the other side of the quidditch pitch and up the bleachers.

"See! You can hear me even if I'm super far away and talking quietly," you stated. You started walking back to her, but continued talking,"It's for quidditch games. That way, you can hear me clearly even when people are cheering super loudly."

"That is fucking awesome! Where did you even get them?"

"I charmed them myself," you said proudly.

"Lily helped you, didn't she," she asked suspiciously.

"Of course not. But don't double-check that with Lily."

Marlene laughed, now standing up, and wrapped her arms around your waist. Digging her head into your shoulder, she mumbled," I love you so much."

"I love you too, Marls. I love you too."


I feel like that was super short but whatever


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