H.P when Y/n is a Death Eater

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Requested by apocqlypticcrvsh. Well kinda..... It was more of us having a conversation in the comments of Protective Harry chapter and coming up with this idea lol.

Anyway..... Enjoy! And small disclaimer: this is sad asf and bada$$ at the same time



A word you could use to describe you and Harry's relationship.

Well..... at least from Harry's perspective.

He only saw the cuddles by the fireplace and study dates. He only felt the love in him when he held your hand or the adoration when the two of danced. He felt warmth when you snuggled into his chest when asleepand trust when he opened up to you and told you things happening in his life.

What he didn't see is you sneaking out at night or whispering into Draco's ear at supper. He never felt the long sleeves you wore when hugging him or the betrayal going on without his knowledge.  He never felt the absence of love you felt with him or the small movements of your arm when you wrote down notes while he was talking about plans to defeat Voldemort.

In all reality, it was all a hoax. And until he found out, it would stay that way.

It was a late Saturday night and you were sitting on Harry's bed, waiting for him to get back from a meeting with Dumbledore. A charms book layed in your lap and your head bowed reading it.

A door opened and Harry immediately said, " Love, what do you know about Horcruxes?"

Your head snapped up and your eyes widened, ' What?!"

" Well, I mean, you've always been good with charms and the darker kinds of spells, so I was wondering what you knew about them.

"Why in the Merlin would you need to know what those are," you question, internally praying it wasn't because of why you assumed.

" Dumbledore said Voldemort had them, and destroying them is the only way we can kill him."

You inhaled sharply," I- um- I'll be right back."

You quickly got up and rushed through the door, your heavy footsteps and the boom of the slamming door echoed throughout the room, leaving a surprised Harry.

Pulling a spare scrap parchment and quill from your pocket and hastily scribbling a note on it.

Rushing to the owlery, your breathing quickened and your brain felt as if it was going millions of miles per hour.

Folding the note, you looked around for a decent owl, as your own was currently delivering a letter to someone else.

" Y/n! Y/n, hang on!"

Your face fell even more, as your eyes darted around for an awake and worthy owl.

" Love, what's the matter," your 'boyfriend' asked.

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