D.M when Y/n is Captured

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva

Warning: capturing (duh) and torture


Despite you being friends with the golden trio, Draco loved you to pieces.

Some people said you were his only soft spot and others said you had gone crazy for dating someone as 'heartless' as him. But you still loved him nonetheless, and couldn't think of life without him.

It was seventh year, and you were on the hunt for horcruxes with the golden trio.

You spent hours upon hours sobbing, sleeplessness filled your night, and the sparkle left your eyes. You knew it was dangerous to let any of the death eaters know you were with Draco, but you desperately wanted to be in his presence.

You were sitting around the tent with Hermione, Ron, and Harry, talking about your plans to sneak into Hogwarts. The snap of a branch echoed throughout the forest, and you all bolted out of your seats and grabbed your wands.

The rest was a blur and the next things you knew, fat hands squeezed your wrists tightly and threw you into a cart.

Fear clouded your eyes and you bit your lip nervously. Once again, the same hands grabbed your shoulder and pulled you from the cart, along with Hermione, Harry, and Ron.

They drug you inside and you stood in a dark room, the furniture dark green and silver.

They pushed the others in one cell and you in another, and panic coursed through youz the possibilities of why rushing through your head.

Suddenly, a messy, black haired woman and a blonde man walked in. You instantly recognized the blonde as your boyfriend's father. You realized the crazy haired woman was Bellatrix, remembering her face from the multiple pictures of it on newspapers and wanted posters.

Following behind them, looking sad, was Draco.

You looked at him pleadingly, your hands starting to shake with worry and fear.

"Now, Draco, is this the girl," Lucius said lowly.

Draco kept his lips pursed and shook his head. Anger took over Lucius' features as he struck Draco in the face with the back of his hand.

You gasped as Lucius began to talk again, "I'll ask one more time, Draco. Is this her?"

Draco looked at you worriedly, knowing that his father already knew the truth and was trying to get Draco to admit it.

Slowly, he nodded his hair, fear making his heart beat loudly and fast against his chest.

"Thank you, Draco," Bellatrix cackles, swishing her wand, cashing chain to appear on your wrists.

"Now, you're the reason my nephew won't become a death eater," Bellatrix said angrily, even though a cynical smile took over her face.

"Maybe we should teach you a lesson not get involved with us, hm," Lucius threatened, flicking his wand.

You gasped as your stomach was cut open, clenching your eyes shut as you tried to scream.

Draco's eyes went wide, his mouth agape. He knew if he spoke up they would only get you more, but it still took so much effort to not scream at the two relatives.

"Draco, I think this would be a perfect opportunity for you to practice your skills," Bellatrix stated. "Go ahead, torture her a bit, or I'll do it myself."

Draco looked back and forth between your pained face and the wand his hand.

He knew it would hurt less if he did, as you have to mean it for it to hurt, but he still couldn't do it. You were the one person he swore to never bring pain upon, and the idea of hurting you the slightest bit made him want to hurl.

"Alright then," Bellatrix cackled. "Crucio!"

Screams bounced off the stone walls of the cell, and the yells from the other cell proved that they could be heard from across the dungeon.

Several minutes went by, to the point you were almost unconscious and Draco did something he never thought he would get the chance to do.

Stunning his father and aunt.

It was a bad idea, he knew that, but all that mattered to him at the moment was you nearly conscious and sobbing.

He rushed towards you and picked you up bridal style. He knew you would kill him if he left the other there, so quickly he opened the cellar door.

"I swear to merlin, if you don't hurry and be quiet, I'll leave you in here," he whispered darkly, shifting you a bit so he could support your head.

The four ran out of the manor and out of the protective barrier, and apparated to a random place in the woods.

Draco flicked his wand and a mat appeared in front of him, in which he immediately sat down with you still in his arms.

"You're alright, Darling, it's ok," he pulled you onto his chest.

You whimpered in pain and as you lifted your head and took a deep breath," I'm alright."

"No the fuck you aren't," he almost yelled.

He glanced at the golden trio, who were conjuring a tent around the mat and casting protective spells.

"The best thing to do after that curse is to sleep. Trust me, ok," he soothed, running his hand through your hair.

He felt you nod as you fell asleep.

He hated the three Gryffindors with a passion. He despised them, loathed them. But, he knew they cared for you.

"Thank you," he said as if it was painful to force the words from his mouth.

"Of course, we love her," Harry said. Draco knew he didn't mean in a romantic way, more as a sibling way.

"Trust me, me too."


I enjoyed writing that way to much lol

love you all

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