S.B when he forgot a date.

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     This was requested by shxxtiingstqrs. Hope the matches your expectations.

/f/c- Your favorite candy
Y/f/m- Your favorite movie ( I know that you can't use a TV at hogwarts but lets just pretend)

Lately, Sirius hadn't been with you much. Of course he didn't have to be with you all the time, but it had gotten to the point where the only time you saw him was when you crossed paths in the hallways. You knew he loved pranks and his friends, but this was getting out of hand.

Sirius realized how little time he had spent with you, so he when he saw you in the hallway, he pulled you aside to talk, " Hey darling, sorry about not hanging out with you."

"It's ok. Could we do something together though?"

"Of course love, meet me at the Black Lake at 7. Ok?"

"Ok, see ya then." You answered.

As you walked to your class your were overjoyed, finally being able to hang out with your boyfriend.


Once you got back from classes,  you immeadiatly started getting ready.

This is what I'm imagining the outfit to be, but you can imagine whatever you like!

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This is what I'm imagining the outfit to be, but you can imagine whatever you like!

You styled your hair ( if you show it), and did a natural makeup look.

You finished getting ready at about 6:45, so there was just enough time to show up at 7. You made your way down there, excited to finally spend time with Sirius.

Once you got there, Sirius was nowhere in sight.

Maybe he's just running late. That wouldn't suprise me, you thought.

2 hours later, it was 9. You were planning on waiting a few more minutes, but you felt raindrops coming from the sky, quickly falling on you. You got up from the rock you were sitting and walked towards the castle.

     You couldn't help but let tears brim your eyes, a few rolling down your cheeks and hitting the stone floors of the castle. As you were walking you heard yells and laughs. You turned the corner and were met with Sirius and his friend laughing together.

"Hey y/n!" James yelled, before seeing the tears on your face, " Uhhh..... Padfoot, mate, you might wanna look behind you."

Sirius turned around, only to see you walk past him, ignoring his calls for you.

"Crap, what time is it." He asked

Peter looked down at his watch and said, " Its 9."

"F~ck!" Was all Sirius said as he ran up to his dorm. He was thinking of a way to make it to you, so he grabbed y/f\m and y/f\c, along with a hoodie.

He sprinted to your dorm and bursted in, totally throwing privacy out the window. He saw you drying your hair( face if you don't show it), as it had gotten soaked in the rain. You had tears running down your face and an angry expression.

"Hey love." Sirius said, attempting to soothe the tension.

"Get. Out."

"Look, I'm so, so, so sorry. I lost track of time, and I know thats not a good excuse, but please let me make it up to you,"  he pleaded. One look on his face, and you could tell he was genuinely guilty, so you complied.

He gave you his hoodie, the red one that you stole whenever it was cold. It was the softest out of all of his hoodies, and also the warmest.

Once you were changed, he picked you up bridal style and sat you on the bed, sliding in behind you so that you sat in his lap, your back pressed againt his chest. He handed you y/f/c and turned on        y/f/m.

"Is this a good way to make it up to you baby." He asked.

You quickly nodded, happy to spend time with him.


And there ya go Folks. I'm not that good at writing about the Mauraders, but I hope this was good.

I'm not very good at this kinda thing so here it goes- I just want to thank each and everyone of y'all. I really appreciate all the support I've gotten. Tysm!


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