Y/n accepting S.B date after rejecting

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Requested by Faiththeloner


Sirius had asked you out. Every single day.

And you said no. Every single day.

Sure he was hot, with his curly black hair and stormy grey eyes. And sure the leather jacket he wore made him handsome as hell. And his laughter made a smile slide upon your face. And-

But no, he's nothing but trouble.

With his pranks and player reputation.

So, when the Gryffindor boy walked up to you again in the hallways, you internally groaned.

" So, Ms. Y/n. How 'bout a date," he questioned, a hopeful look on his face.

"Black, we've been over this, I'm not interested in dating you."

"C'mon, just one date?"

"Will it shut you up."


You sighed, "I suppose."

"Awesome, does tonight work?"


"Meet me at the astronomy tower, 9 o'clock. Dress comfortable, and warm. It's supposed to be cold."

"Ok, thanks Black."

"See you later," he said before he walked away.

You turned around to walk the opposite way, but stopped when you heard shouting from the way Sirius walked.

"I did Prongsie! Can you believe it, she finally said yes," you heard Sirius exclaim. You smiled slightly before walking to your dormitory to get ready.

9 o'clock

You walked up the Astronomy Tower stairsa and were with blankets, candles, and a basket full of food.

"Oh thank Merlin, I was starting to think you bailed on me." Sirius sighed in relief. "Come sit, I picked the softest blanket for us to sit on."

You sat down next to him on the Gryffindor red blanket, and looked around at the candles, " This is really pretty."

"Not the only thing that's pretty," he said smirking.

"Your right, the chocolate is very pretty aswell, " you replied jokingly, looking at the chocolate that poked out of the picnic basket.

"I was talking about you."

"No, I think the chocolate is better."

Sirius laughed, took the chocolate from the basket, and held it next to your face. " I think your both pretty." He handed you the chocolate, " You can have the pretty chocolate if you wish."

"Yes! Thank you."

"I brought you up her to look at stars. I expected for you be more excited about that then a chocolate bar."

You shrugged and handed him piece, for which he thanked you for.

The rest of the night, the two if you joked and ate chocolate. You did indeed look at the stars for a while, which lead to Sirius playfully bragging about him being named after one.

Once the date was over, he asked, " That wasn't so bad, now was it? I bet you wish you said yes to be years ago."

"I will not confirm nor deny that," you said, turning to leave the astronomy tower. You paused, quickly turned around, and kissed Sirius in the cheek. You waved bye and left.

When Sirius got to the dorms that night, he was bombarded with question from Remus and James. The mauraders attempted to stay awake to ask how it went, but Peter fell asleep.

"How was it, Pads," James question.

"She's as awesome as chocolate." Only Remus understood.


That was cute ngl

This is the last thing i will ever post this year, wtf

Hope you all have a wonderful new year, and pray that 2022 is better than the past 2 years


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