Y/n Lupin dating Sirius Black

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva.

They asked if y/n could be a bit shyer and quiet then I normally write them, so here ya go.


Y/n Lupin. Remus's Lupin twin sister, but as he always says, she's 14 minutes younger. Hence the reason he had always been protective of her.

The 2 siblings had quite a bit in common. They both were a bit on the quiet side, although since Remus became friends with the Mauraders, he had changed a lot.

You both enjoyed reading, and took pride in the your great grades.

Remus, Peter, and James were currently in the library, and Sirius was heading there so they could plan pranks.

He was almost there when he heard talking from a usually empty corridor. Being the brave and curious Gryfindor he was, he decided to go check it out.

The sight he was met with made his blood boil.

There you stood, head down and eyes staring at the floor. Lucius Malfoy was also there, spitting insults at you and saying anything rude that came to his mind.

" Shut it, you git," Sirius exclamed, running towards the 2 of you.

" Oh whatever Black, I was just trying to get her to talk. Little Ms. Quiet never says a word."

" Oh fuck of, Malfoy. I don't blame her for not wanting to talk to you." Sirius grabbes the girl's hand and walking off with her, pushing Malfoy's shoulder as he did so.

" Thank you," you mumbled when you were away from Lucius.

" No need thank me Y/n, he's a foul git." The earned a laugh from you.

" I agree."

But Sirius barely heard you. He was so fixated on the your hand that he was still holding. The butterflies swarming his stomach. The warm, loving feeling rising in his chest.


( a few months later)

"Y'know what I've realized Moony?"

" What Prongs?"

"Y/n seems to be coming out of her shell a bit. She actually startes talking to us lately," James stated.

" I used to be like that until you guys became my friends. Maybe she just found a good friend," Remus replied.

Nobody took notice of the light red that had spread across Sirius's face.

" Maybe she has a partner," James said half-jokingly, a smirk on his face.

" Absolutely not. In no circumstances is she allowed to have a boyfriend or girlfriend. I'll hex them into oblivion," Remus stated overprotectively.

Sirius spit out the pumpkin juice he was drinking, his face bright red and his grey eyes wide.

" You all right Padfoot," Peter asked concerned

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