R.B and an enemies to lovers trope

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a request for regulusluvrr the user is pretty fitting ngl

anyway, igot just a little bit carried away with this


It always seemed that when he got a 99, you would get a 100.

When he made a potion perfect, you somehow did it better.

It infuriated him so much that he just couldn't seem to beat a muggleborn. He had been doing magic since he was little, and you started just a few years ago, and you were still better than him.

He would glare at you when you walked down the hallway. You would glare right back, and he went end up staring into your eyes longer than he meant to.

He would scowl in your direction, just to have you send a sarcastic smile. He would make faces at you often, just so he could see that smile, even though he knew he was fake.


He knew, deep inside, that he liked you. He would never admit again, but the way your eyes would gleam at a challenge and you smile when you got a good grade.

Maybe a bit more than 'like' then. But he knew he couldn't love you.

It would put him, and more importantly, you, in danger.

So, he put on a facade of hatred and competitiveness.

Until the two of you got paired together for a potion project.

Obviously Slughorn realized you were the best students in the year, and he decided to pair you up and see what kind of potion you could create together.

That is what lead you to the current moment.

"What about something that makes someone smarter," Regulus thought out loud.

"There's already a wit-sharpening potion," you said. "But maybe something that helps you convert information from a book to your brain."

"That would be…. advanced," Regulus started. "I think it would work though. Take some ingredients from a wit-sharpening potion, and add a few."

"Maybe you would pour some of it on the paper, and then drink the rest of it."

"Yes! That would mean we need to put something in it to make sure it doesn't ruin the book."

"I think flobberworm slime works for that."


A few hours later, you and him sat on the floor of his dormitory, a cauldron in between you and him and books and ingredients spread out everywhere.

"No," you said, "if you stir it more than three times, the peony petals will completely disintegrate."

"That's what we want!"

"No it's not, they need to disintegrate once we add the flobberworm slime or it'll stain the paper purple."

Regulus was mad that you knew more than him, but at the same time, he found your temper quite attractive.

He couldn't help but stare at you.

Your hair was pulled out into a messy bun, and not the cute, "obviously spent an hour on it" kind of messy bun. It was actually messy. Pieces sticking out of it. Your face was slightly flushed at the heat of the cauldron and your sleeves were rolled up as not to get anything on your hoodie.

"Staring problem, Black?"

His eyes widened a bit, before he realized that he was a bloody Black, and flirting was a specialty of both of the Black brothers.

"Only when it comes to beautiful things."

He smirked when your cheeks got just a bit more red.

"Don't even," you deadpanned.

"I'm being very serious," he said, internally groaning when he realized what he said.

"I believe that's your much more attractive brother."

"Bitch," he scowled.

"I'm not lying."

"At least I'm a better kisser than him," he blushed when he realized he had set himself up.

"How do you know how good of a kisser your brother is? I mean, I know he's hot, but damn."

"I don't know how good of a kisser he is, I just know I'm better at kissing than he is."

"You? Better than someone at something? That's practically impossible."

"Do I need to prove it to you then," he smirked.

A blush rose up to your cheeks, "Really, is that the only reason you brought up that you know how to kiss. Just to kiss me."

"Maybe," he said, moving to the other side of the cauldron to be next to you.

He gently grabbed your chin, titled it up towards him, and whispered, "Is it working?"

And, somehow, your lips were connected.

His hand moved to the back of your neck, pulling you closer to him. His other hand rested on your waist.

One of your hands laid in the back of his shoulder blade and the other was tangled in his hair.

He had subtly moved you so you were in his lap basically straddling him.

And like that, you were no longer enemies.


That- that got pretty heated. def the spiciest thing i've ever written

yeah, love y'all! keep in mind, there only one a few more days to put in requests. i'll finish all the requests and maybe add in a few extra imagines and the book'll be over

although i may add chapters every once and a while if i get a new idea or for special occasions

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