M.R vs. Y/n's Older Brother

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Requested by WinterBrien

I'm gonna use the name Alex for your older brother, but if you have one or want to use a different name, feel free to change it in your head


You and Mattheo had been dating for about 2 months, and you decided to introduce him to your older brother. As an older brother, by two years, he obviously was protective over you, meaning that you had to find a way to have them meet without ripping each other's heads off. Because let us be honest, Mattheo isn't the nicest person to people he doesn't know, so your brother would most likely think that he treating you unkindly as well.

So, you arranged a lunch with the three of you. Telling them both that you wanted them to meet each other. Your brother frowned when you told him you wanted to introduce him to your boyfriend. Mattheo's eyes went wide when you told him he got to meet your brother the next day.

You and Mattheo walked hand in hand to The Three Broomsticks, where you both wait for your brother to show up. Mattheo left the table to use the restroom, leaving you to order drinks for the three of you.

"Hey, Y/n," your brother greeted, sliding into the seat across from you.

"Hey, Alex!"

"So, where's the boyfriend?"

"He's in the bathroom right now. Please, just don't start anything," you pleaded.

" I'll tell you if I want to listen to you once I've met him."

Mattheo came back from the restroom a few moments later, taking a seat next to you as you talked about classes with Alex.

Alex looked over to the black-haired boy," You must be Mattheo."

Mattheo nodded, shaking Alex's hand.

The three of you made simple talk, nothing serious just classes and holiday plans.

"Y/n's order!"

You stood up, "I'll go get drinks!"

"Listen here you little-" Both boys stopped their in sync sentence, and then chuckled a bit.

"You go first," Mattheo offered.

Alex cleared his throat before, " Listen here you little shit, you do anything remotely bad to me sister, and I will personally rip you to shreds."

"I was going to tell you not to threaten me or think I would hurt Y/n, except I was gonna call you a little bitch. Because I would never do something as horrendous as that."

"Also, if you make me an uncle, I will murder you."

"Noted," Mattheo nodded.

"You know what, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I expected you to be a lot worse."

" 'M glad I exceed your expectations then."

By the time you got back, the boys were talking peacefully about Quidditch.

Your brother likes him. Check

Next on the agenda: your parents.


Mattheo meeting your parents imagine next?

I feel like this was actual shit but it is what it is

Hope you have a lovely day, love you


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