H.P on Valentine's Day

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I felt like I needed to include Harry because yk- hE'S The MaIn ChaRActER


To say Harry was excited is an understatement.

He absolutely loved planning fun dates and hanging out with you. It was his favorite.

So, he decided that he would take you on a date to the place where you had your first one.

So, you were both walking to The Three Broomsticks, hand in hand. The chilly, winter air sent goosebumps, even through the comfortable hoodie you had taken from Harry's closet.

You both chatted away happily, the connected hands swinging back and forth with each step. In your other than was a box, and in Harry's other hand was a bag.

You enter The Three Broomsticks and Harry went to the counter to order Butterbeer while you sat at a table.

"Here ya go, M'love," he handed you your drink, before sliding into the seat across from you.

"Thanks, Harry."

"Tis' my duty to serve my princess," he said playfully.

"You're sappy," you joke.

He dramatically gasped in fake terror and then retorted," Well I think you're sappy."

You narrowed your eyes, "You know what? I was gonna give you a gift, but I don't think I will."

"You've gone too far," he exclaimed.

You shrugged, a look of innocence on your face.

"What if I give you yours first?"

"I guess so," you smiled.

He slid the bag over. Pink tissue paper stuck out of the dark red bag.

You took out the wrapping paper and peered into the bag. You took out a folded piece of clothing and unfolded it.

You held up a red jersey, a replica of the Gryffindor jersey that Harry wore for Quidditch. Your turned it around to see, instead of your name, the name POTTER in gold letters.

You gasped and a huge smile spread took over your face.

"I thought that since you're always taking mine, you would like your own jersey to wear during games."

"I love it! Thank you, Harry!"

"My pleasure, darling."

"Now," he started, "do I get mine."

"I don't know, Harry. I'm still kinda offende-"

"Please," Harry pleaded, looking at you with puppy eyes.

You sighed, "I suppose so."

You passed him the box you had carried there. a red ribbon wrapped around the white box. Little hearts littered the white wrapping paper, all different shades of red and pink.

Harry untied the ribbon and took the wrapping paper off. There on the table was a thick photo album. Harry immediately open it and quickly flicked through the pages.

Dozen of pictures of the both of you, even in moments when you thought nobody was around to take them.

You knew that Harry loved photo albums. They had sentimental value and showed him that, even in the dark life he was forced into, great moments and people still existed.

He had one of his parents, of Hermione and Ron, of Sirius and Remus.

And he was yet to get one full of you and him.

Empty slots filled the last few pages, making room for any more pictures to be added.

"I know you like photo albums, so I thought I would get you one."

"Where did you even get thede," he laughed, still looking at all the pictures.

"Turns out your friends really like spying on us and taking pictures. Even Oliver had a few," you answered. "Fred, George, Hermione, and Ron were the main people though."

"I guess we're a fun couple to watch, huh?'

"I guess so. Very romantic, almost like a love movie."

Harry laughed again, "Thank you, I love it so much."

He leaned over and gave you a kiss on the lips. He kissed you until there was a loud snap! from beside the table.

Your and Harry both looked over quickly.

Ron and Hermione both stood there, a camera in Hermione's hand. She smiled and showed Ron the picture she had taken.

"Look how adorable, Ron!"

"Another picture for the book," he stated.

Hermione handed it to Harry, who slid it into an empty slot.

"I guess our love life really is entertaining."


I was writing this one and 500 words of it deleted and I had to start over :|

But I pushed through ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ


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