S.B on Valentine's Day

669 16 15


I'm running out of things to say :/


"Don't you look pretty!"

"Thanks, Siri," you thanked him.

Sirius has gotten you a beautiful dress to wear
on a Valentine's date. He wouldn't tell you what the date was, but you were excited nonetheless.

"I'll be right back," he left your dormitory in a hurry.

You spent the extra few minutes wrapping his present.

Sirius entered the room again, this time wearing nicer clothes and holding a rose.

"For m'lady," he exclaimed, bowing down and reaching it out to you. When you reached out for it, he snatched it away.

"Well, that's a bit rude."

He rolled his eyes and straightened his back instead of bowing. He placed a finger under your chin and lifted it up, and then tucked the flower behind your ear.

"Pretty flower for a pretty girl."

"Now come on, I have something awesome planned," he said, ignoring the red that spread along your cheeks.

He held your hand and lead you to where the date was.

"Sirius," you took a deep breath. "It was too late to be climbing up all these stairs."

He had taken you to the astronomy tower and, seeing as it was midnight, you were getting a little tired of climbing stair after stair.

"I know, but it'll be worth it."

You climbed a few more staircases and finally reached the top.


A beautiful, candlelit dinner was set up on the astronomy tower. A small black table and chairs, with a white table cloth. Candles floated in the air like the great hall, the flame lighting up the pitch-black night sky. A small box lay in the middle of the table, and a plate of desserts right next to it.

"It's amazing, Siri!"

The black-haired boy walked forward and pulled out a chair for you to sit in. When you sat, he pushed the chair closer to the table and sat on the other chair.

"Would you like a cookie, darling," he offered, holding the plate closer to you.

Your eyes brightened," Yes please!"

You two talked for a while, eating the majority of the cookies that layed on the plate.

"I know I said the dress what your present, but I have another one."

You laughed," I have one for you too."

"Here you go," he gestured to the box on the table.

You opened it carefully and a huge smile appeared on your face.

A beautiful, silver necklace with a diamond embedded dog print pendant on it. On the back of the pendant, it said Sirius Black+Y/n Y/l/n.

"Oh, my merlin! Sirius, it's beautiful," you exclaimed.

Sirius shrugged,"I thought you would like. I know you're a big fan of dogs, for some odd reason."

"Oh whatever, Sirius," you joked.

"Do I get my gift now," he said excitedly, almost like a little child on christmas


You gave him a box aswell. He opened it quickly and pulled out a leather jacket.

The black jacket had SIRIUS BLACK written in white lettering in the back. On the front, different pins were scattered around the pocket. A dog print, a picture of antlers, a full moon, and the outline of a rat. The Sirius constellation was a pin, along with a pin with the word Gryffindor spelled out.

"Holy fuck, y/n!" He immediately put it on, looking around at all the pins.

He narrowed his eyes at it, "It's missing something though."

He waved his wand over where the pins were all at, a new one joining the jacket. It spelt out your name in metallic letters, and it was now the biggest pin on the jacket.

"There, that's better," he stated. "Now I have an awesome jacket to share with you when you get cold."

You laughed,"I love you, Sirius."

"I love you to, m'love."


I'm fr running out of things to say in these intro and outro thing lol


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