T.R Ending #2

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The alternative ending where you don't forgive him


you stopped running down the hallway, your back still turned to tom.

"y/n, i'm sorry, you know i didn't mean to do that," he explained.

"you still did it though," you said, still not facing towards him.

"it doesn't even matter," he stated.

"it does fucking matter," you exclaimed, spinning around towards tom. he glanced from your tear streaked face to your nastily burned hand.

"i'll heal it for you if you want."

"i'm sick and tired of this tom. it's the same fucking thing over and over again," you yelled. "we argue, you hurt me, you heal me and apologize, and then we're all lovey-dovey for a few days. and then the cycle just starts all over again."

"it's not my fucking fault, y/n!"

"how is it not your fault?"

"you know i can't control what i do when i'm mad."

"well, until you learn to control yourself, we're fucking over!" and with that, you turned around and went to find someone to help you heal your hand.

tom just stood there.

processing everything you said.

"we're fucking over!"

you were done, and tom knew there was not stopping you.


i typed this in google docs like I always do, and when i copied onto here, it made everything lowercase and i don't feel like fixing it so yeah

also, sorry it's so short but i feel like it would be striaght to the point

love you all <33


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